The Epic Battle

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(Narrator POV)

Rayla and Callum come to the entrance of the building to meet up with Ash and Evelyn. They found Evelyn and Rayla's weapons near the entrance. Callum goes over the plan with Rayla and Evelyn.

"Everyone got it," Callum asks. Rayla nods, but Evelyn speaks up.

"I have an idea to help, but I'll need a distraction," she says. Callum nods.

"Let's do this," Callum says. "Go on my signal." He looks toward the walls of the human camp and raises his hand up.

Almost immediately, 15 elves on both ends, North and South, climb up the wall. They hop over and attack many guards. Callum signals again and arrows start raining from the trees onto the tents. Many elves were lined up on the trees, reloading and shooting.

Callum and Evelyn rush to the North side. Guards try to rush on them, but Callum uses Fulminus to blast them back. Evelyn buries her hands in the ground and closes her eyes. She starts whispering to the ground.


Meanwhile, Ash and Rayla help the elves attack guards and destroy tents. Rayla chases a guard into a large tent. She takes him down, and knocks him out. She looks around and sees many notes everywhere in the tent. She skims the area, when she sees a picture of a cube with runes on all sides. What? Why do they have a picture of this?

She senses someone behind and runs to the side, while a fireball comes crashing her way. She dodges it in time, to see Claudia standing at the entrance of the tent.

"Whatever you and your friends are planning, it won't work," Claudia sneered.

Rayla glares and charges at her. Claudia chants and summons snakes. Rayla tries to dodge but they wrap around her and turn into chains. Rayla struggles to escape as Claudia comes closer.

"You really are foolish," Claudia says as she raises her hand to perform a spell.

Someone slams into Claudia from behind and knocks her to the ground. Ash stands in Claudia's place while pointing his blades at her. Claudia frowns at him before chanting.

"ymene ym morf em hsinav," she says as her eyes turn black.

Black smoke forms around her and she vanishes. Ash jumps back in shock.

"Help me," Rayla says to him. He bends down and unchains her. She grabs her blades and stands up.

"Where did she go," Ash asks.

"I don't know, but we can deal with her later," Rayla says as she exits the tent.

When they both come out they see more human guards have come. The elves' numbers started to dwindle.


"Hurry Evelyn! I can't hold them back much longer," Callum yells as he draws another rune.

Evelyn was still connecting to the ground and not responding to Callum. Her eyes suddenly open and she quickly gets up.

"Run," she yells while grabbing Callum's hand.

They move away from the wall as it comes crashing down. Callum stops and looks back. He sees huge vines coming from the ground and destroying it.

"But...How," Callum asks. Evelyn smiles at him.

"It sure helps to be connected to the forest," she says while moving away from the destruction.

The vines started slashing through everything in its path. Many human guards were on the run.

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