A Crazy Idea

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Callum sat on the dock with his bare feet in the water of the small pond. The leaves around him were changing and he could smell the fall breeze. He was at the Banther Lodge, and this was the time they would visit. He stared at his reflection for a while until someone came next to him.

"May I join you," Harrow asked him.

Callum smiled at him and nodded. He sat down next to Callum and they both had their feet in the cold water. Callum was the first to break the silence.

"So, how did you and mom first meet?"

Harrow kept staring at the water and smiled.

"Your mom was not really royalty when I met her. Ever since she moved to Katolis I had my eyes on her. She would always visit that bakery once a week to pick up fresh jelly tarts."

Callum chuckled a bit to himself. He remembers how his mom always had a sweet tooth. Harrow continued.

"One day I decided to go talk to her when she came to the bakery. She was kind, compassionate, and very strong. We started seeing more of each other and eventually, we fell in love," Harrow finished.

All the memories Callum had of his mother came flooding in. He missed her so much and wished she could see him now.

"Will I find someone like that someday," Callum asked him. Harrow turned to face Callum.

"I believe you will find the most wonderful girl someday. It may be hard to believe that she is out there, but you will know when it happens." Callum gave him a confused look.

"But how will I know," he asked. Harrow laughed a bit.

"Just listen to your heart, but also use your head. Promise me that when she comes along. Do not let her go," Harrow told him.

Before Callum could answer, Harrow disappeared from him. The pond was gone, the dock was gone, and so was the fall breeze. Everything just went black.

Callum couldn't see a thing. Then in an instant a bright, white light shined on his face. It pierced through the darkness, until the light started to die down. Callum could finally see that in the middle of the light was a beautiful, glistening crystal. The crystal was white and it was about a foot long. It had so much power and strength coming from it. Callum reached out to try and touch it.

He felt something tugging on his arms and legs. Something started grabbing his shoulder. There was a force pulling him away from the crystal. He heard creepy whispers around him, but he couldn't make out what it was saying.

He freed one of his hands from their grasp and reached for the crystal. The light from it started to fade and Callum was dragged farther from it. Then everything went black again.


Callum sprung awake, gasping for breath. He looked around him as if still feeling the force pulling him. He looked around and found himself sleeping under a tree in the forest. He spent most of the night searching for Evelyn, trying to find clues.

He remembered the earth blood elves talking about a human colony near here. He was starting to think they were the ones who took her.

What are they going to do to Evelyn? When they came they were targeting me, but why?

He was snapped out of thought when he heard something. He followed the noise until he came across a dirt road. Further ahead, he saw a cart being pulled by a horse. There were large wooden crates on the cart. Maybe Evelyn is inside one of those? He decided to move closer to investigate.



Her eyes slowly started to lift open. It was hard to see where she was. She was trapped inside a small wooden place. It felt like the box was moving. Where am I? Where are they taking me? Her hands and legs were bound and there was something tied on her mouth so she couldn't talk. She started squirming a bit until she heard a strangely familiar voice.

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