Evelyn's Secret

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Authors Note: I will be adding a 3 month time jump here! This is for both Rayla and Callum. Hope you enjoy!

"Callum, be careful you knucklehead!" Evelyn yelled at him.

He was standing in the center of the almost finished dam. They finally built it to the top of the cliff and Callum needed to place one last piece.

"Come on, it's me you're talking about," Callum yelled back.

"That's what I'm afraid of! If you don't be careful the whole dam might come down! I don't know if it can support us well," she said.

Callum carefully set the last piece of wood in place before heading back to Evelyn.

"See, easy!" Callum snickered. Evelyn shook her head at him. They both stepped back and looked at the finished dam.

"You did great Callum! My father will be very happy with you," Evelyn smiled at him.

Callum wore a proud look. Over the last 3 months he has been working very hard. He has become stronger physically and now has big muscles on both of his upper arms. His hair had also grown a few centimeters longer and it was messier, but he liked it that way. Evelyn seemed to like it too.

Callum also had a surprise growth spurt and was now 2 inches taller than Evelyn. He would randomly point out how it was weird to look down at her now. She would just laugh and shake her head.

With their work all finished they both went to King Liam. There were no guards at the entrance of the cave which was strange. When they came in they saw two guards at his side like always and the king was talking to the head commander of the guards.

"Yes, keep them at the border, we don't want any more trouble with the other tribe," he said loudly. The guard nodded and walked out of the cave passed Evelyn and Callum.

"Is everything alright, father?" Evelyn asked him when they were close. The king rubbed his forehead.

"Yes, everything is fine. We are just having elf trouble again," he said in a frustrated tone. Callum was confused. There are bad elves attacking the Earth blood village, but why?

"Well, I heard that you two finished your job with the dam! I am very pleased with you Callum. You have really proven your worth and strength to us," the king said to him. Callum smiled and bowed to the king. Then the king turned to Evelyn.

"Since we are having trouble near our border, I want you to stay in the village Evelyn. No wandering off until I say so." Evelyn gave her father an angry look.

"That's not fair. I can handle myself out there! I'm not a child anymore," she said in a loud tone.

"This is not up for decision, young lady." Evelyn frowned at her father and ran out of the cave. Callum hesitates before following her. "Look after her, Callum." The king said to him before Callum left.


Callum looked around the village but Evelyn was nowhere in sight. Some townspeople told him she ran into the forest. He went where they told him. The forest was so peaceful and the leaves were changing because of fall. He walked for a while until he found her sitting on a log.

He went up and sat next to her. "You ok," he asked her. She just looked down.

"My father has always treated me like that. Like I'm not strong enough to take care of myself." She took a deep breath before continuing.

"When I was younger, my wish was to be the leader of the archers in the village. I wanted to be the best of the best." Callum gave her a sincere look while listening. "My dad didn't think I had what it took, so he never gave me a chance," she finished with a tear rolling down her face.

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