Chapter 26

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He ushered her to the bar so they could get a drink as Chibs and Elise were parking. She was surprised at how loud the music was. Seeing all the half-naked women walking around made her shake her head. 'Do they really think they're going to snag a good man looking like that?' she thought as she walked with her husband into the clubhouse. He draped his arm around her shoulder as he walked them into the clubhouse. Bobby smiled seeing Chibs and Elise as they arrived. The medic immediately ushered them to the bar to get a drink before finding a seat for the night. The pair greeted Tig and Remi cordially as they approached the bar. Remi hugged her sister tightly as the prospects prepared the drinks for the ladies and handed the two bikers their beers.

Elise asked how their night was going making Remi huff and Tig laugh. Elise cocked her eyebrow at her sister making Remi explain what had happened just before they arrived. Chibs just smiled hearing what had transpired with the crow eater and how Remi had handled it. Elise looked over at her husband and told him he needed to make sure he let all the whores know that he was off the market as well so they had it from him and her. Chibs just laughed and said he would do what was needed before leaning over and kissing her cheek. Remi smirked seeing the affection between her brother-in-law and sister. It seemed things were going well between them and that mad her happy. Chibs asked if they wanted to play doubles at pool. Both women agreed before taking their drinks and following the two men to the empty pool table.

James arrived a minute after Happy and Ava. She wasn't used to being on the back of a motorcycle. He wasn't used to having someone on the back of his bike either. He knew it would show who she belonged to if they arrived together with her on his bike with him. Ava was a spunky woman and didn't take his shit so he was more than excited to see how she handled the club at a party and how she would deal with the crow eaters. Ava just shook her head as she looked at all the half-dressed females sauntering around the property flirting and showing off their assets. Happy just smirked as he led her into the clubhouse. As they stood at the bar to get drinks, a short blond walked up to Happy with a seductive smile.

"Hey there, Happy. Wanna go have some fun?" She asked.

"He already has company, sweetheart, so buzz off." Ava quickly stated

"Just because you arrived with him (the blond ran her hand down his chest and down his stomach) doesn't mean he's yours for the night." The blond retorted.

"He's my husband, little girl. Which in case you don't understand that word, means he's married to me. Therefore, he is mine for the night." Ava firmly said, "Now get your paws off my husband before I break them."

"Happy will never settle for one woman..." The blond started out.

"He is my husband. He no longer needs the likes of you whores. Now either remove your hands from my husband or I will start breaking them. Got it?" Ava exclaimed.

The blond huffed as she looked up at Happy.

"My wife has said her peace. Don't make her tell you again." Happy added in.

The blond huffed once more before turning on her stiletto and stalking off.

"Good, little girl. That's how you handle the crow eaters." Happy looked over to his wife with a hint of a smile.

"Yeah well you be sure to tell them you're no longer interested as well." She told him.

He grunted before taking a swig of his beer. It didn't surprise him that she wanted a girly mixed drink. None of the triplets seemed like the type to drink hard liquor. He wanted to go find a seat and relax so she followed him to a round table where they could watch his brothers and her sisters playing pool together. The word had spread that Happy, Tig, and Chibs were now all married and not looking for the company of the crow eaters. They kept giving dirty looks to the triplets who weren't paying attention to them at all. Things had been rather quiet. Tig, Remi, Elise, and Chibs were having a good time playing pool. Happy was satisfied sitting at his table watching the game and having drinks and listening to music.

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