Chapter 5

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"There's a women's get-together at the convention center this Saturday. A lot of women show up to mingle and network." Gemma told the two ladies.

"Oh really? Sounds like fun. Doesn't it, sweetie?" Massika smiled as she looked at her daughter who was looking out the door at the bikes lined up across the lot.

"Yeah, sure." Remi shrugged making both women laugh.

"I'm sorry about her. She's a bit of a hermit." Massika explained, "Probably why she can't get a husband."

"Mom!" Remi exclaimed.

"What? You're almost too old to marry by now, sweetie. Your father and I worry about your prospects. You and your sisters both." Massika stated making Gemma raise her eyebrows.

"How old are your daughters? She looks pretty young." Gemma stated.

"They're thirty. That's almost too old to marry in both our countries. Most women are married by the time they're eighteen. Ryu and I don't want our daughters to be old maids unable to marry because of their age." Massika explained.

"That's still young here." Gemma laughed, "Although I know plenty of bikers who could use a good woman although most of them are a little older than your daughters."

"Oh really? I wouldn't be opposed to an older man getting involved with them. As long as my daughters are treated well, looked after, and are supported. They support themselves obviously but I don't want some bum, no offense, marrying my daughter because he can't take care of himself much less her." Massika replied making Gemma grin.

"Let me see what I can do." Gemma stated.

"With arranged marriages in both our countries, it's customary for the bride's parents to give a dowry to the groom's parents." Massika explained.

"I guess you would give it to the club in general then since we're one big family. We all look after one another." Gemma replied wondering what this dowry would be, "What exactly would you be giving?"

"Money usually. I think my parents were going to give my ex bethrowed's family around fifty thousand dollars. We'd happily do the same if we could find husbands for all three of our daughters." Massika told her.

"That's a lot of money just for a dowry." Gemma chuckled.

"It is." Massika agreed, "But it's standard practice in both our cultures so that's what we'll be doing as well since it's only fair."

"Mom, we can find a man on our own." Remi rolled her eyes not liking the idea of an arranged marriage.

"Oh shush. You don't ever get out of the house long enough to meet someone!" Massika exclaimed.

"Maybe I'm not ready to settle down yet?" Remi shot back.

"Watch your tone, young lady!" Massika warned her daughter making the feisty young woman and huff as she turned to stare back at the line of bikes and the bikers walking around the lot.

"Tig should be almost done with your car now. I'll go see what's taking him so long." Gemma stated, the idea of an easy one-hundred-and-fifty grand coming to the bikers simply for an arranged marriage to three young women rolling around in her head.

She needed to talk to Clay and see who he could spare as husbands. The club was in a bit of a financial bind and this would ease the strain on everyone. And she'd find a good woman for a few of the wilder members of the club. Tig was just shutting the hood of the car and was about to drive it to a parking space when Gemma arrived. He explained all he had done to the car before climbing into the driver's seat and moving it. He walked into the office after parking the car and noticed immediately the look Tig gave to Remi. 'Is he already attracted to her?' she thought as Massika thanked him for working on her car for her. He smiled and told her it was no problem. He handed the keys over and said if she had any more problems to bring it straight back before glancing down at Remi who was staring at him. Massika told her daughter they needed to go so Remi slowly stood up and followed her mother out to their respective vehicles.

Tig just stood there watching her drive away before walking back to the shop to see who needed help. To his relief, Clay needed him to accompany him out to meet a prospective new buyer for some of their guns. Jax was riding with them so Tig switched out of his shop work shirt and slipped his kutte back on after wiping his hands again on a grease rag. All thoughts of the unique young woman slipped to the back of his mind as club business took over. Gemma walked around the shop checking in with the bikers and assessing who might make good husbands and who would be willing to marry into this unique family for some cash. Tig already seemed attracted to the one daughter so she didn't think it would be hard to convince him to go for an "arranged marriage". Shortly after she walked back into her office, Happy Lowman arrived and parked his bike.

The Tacoma Killah was looking to transfer to SAMCRO. He had his papers from the Nomad charter giving him permission to transfer. He had been doing a lot of helping of the mother charter recently and with the death of his mother, he wanted to be with a charter again. Seeing Happy made his brothers curious as to why he was there since Clay hadn't called him down to help with any club business. Clay, Tig, and Jax were all out on business leaving Juice, Chibs, and Bobby and the prospects at the clubhouse. Hearing that Happy wanted to transfer to SAMCRO made Bobby very excited. He loved his brother and knew he'd be a good fit for the mother charter. He was always there when he was called upon and was excellent at extracting information from people when they needed him too.

Happy and Bobby were sitting together having a beer when the trio of bikers returned. Clay was quite curious as to why Happy was there although he was happy to see his brother. The club assassin pulled Clay aside to talk to him about transferring to SAMCRO and stated he had his transfer papers from the NOMAD charter already. Clay welcomed him with open arms and said they'd have to take a vote but knew it would pass. He'd have to work at the garage like everyone else when there was no club business going on but that didn't bother Happy one bit. He was wanting to settle down in one location again. Clay promised the next time church was called, he'd put it up for a vote earning a head nod from the bald biker. Happy claimed a dorm room while he was there until he could find a house of his own and put what little he had with him in his room before getting to work at the garage next to Tig.

The next day Clay called church because the Niners were giving them some trouble. After they'd come to the decision on the Niners, Clay looked over at Happy and said they had one more bit of business to take care of making the rest of the bikers look around at one another curiously. The biker leader stated Happy wanted to transfer to SAMCRO and had his transfer papers from the NOMAD charter already. He wanted to take a vote on letting him transfer. To Happy's relief it was a unanimous decision and before long everyone was welcoming him to their charter with man-hugs. He thanked everyone before they were all told to get back to work. Clay had to call Laroy and see about setting up a meeting so they could work out their problem.

That night Gemma made a point to talk to Clay about setting up some of the boys to get married so they could quickly earn a cool one-hundred-and-fifty grand from three separate dowries from this family. She was sure the three young women would make excellent wives to the bikers as long as they learned their place in the club. With Tig already showing signs of attraction towards the one woman, she didn't think it would be all that hard to convince two others to get married as well. It would do the club good to get this money and they'd get a good woman to help take care of them. It was a win-win situation for all she thought. Clay was, thankfully, in a good mood when he came home that night after work. She handed him a beer with a smile before heading back into the kitchen to finish up dinner. She planned on talking to him over dinner to explain her plan and why she thought they should do this.

A/N: Think Ryu and Massika will agree to let their three daughters marry a bunch of outlaw bikers? If so, how do you think these bikers and women are going to get along?

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