Chapter Five

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I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes. I turn over and try to go back to sleep but it doesn't work. I check my phone for the time, 9:00 on the dot. I sigh and get up, all the girls are still asleep so I decide to go down stairs and watch tv.

I grab the remote off of the coffee table and turn on the tv. I flip through the channels until I find a show I like.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I look up and see Hayes coming down. "Good morning." He says.

"Mornin" I reply. He sits on the couch next to me.

"What you watchin?"

"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D"

"Oh, I love this show!"

"Me too!"

"Cool." We sit in silence watching the show until the next commercial.

"So, how was spending time with Mackenzie last night?" I ask. I really don't care but I wanted to talk about something.

"It was nice. After you and the girls left, her and her friends got in and we swam for a little while, than the guys left and so did her friends and it was just her and I. We swam for a little while longer than we sat on the dock and watched the sun go down and than laid down on our towels and looked up at the sky and just laid there and talked. It was perfect." Oh my gosh, he must really like her.

"You must really like her don't you?" I ask

"Yeah I do." He says with a smile. Ouch. This hurts me so much. But Im glad he's happy and that's all that matters. The show comes back on and our attention goes back to the tv.

I hear another pair of footsteps coming down the stairs, not just one pair but several. I look up and sure enough it's all of the girls.

"You're up and you didn't make breakfast?" Kayla says.

"No, I was waiting for y'all. It didn't want to make breakfast and have it get cold." I say.

"I know. I was just messing with you." She laughs. I get up and we all go into the kitchen and make eggs, pancakes, and bacon for breakfast. Nash comes down the stairs with sky and they sit down at the table and dig in. After we're done eating we put our dishes away and go back to Kayla's room so the girls can pack since they are all leaving at 10:00 and its 9:45. Once they're done packing we talk until their rides get here. They leave one by one and soon it's just me and Kayla.

"So did you and Hayes talk about anything this morning or did y'all just watch tv?" Kayla asks.

"No we talked during the commercials." I tell her.

"Really?! What did y'all talk about?"

"Well, I asked him how last night went."


"That's all we really talked about."

"How did last night go."

"Well, apparently it went well, like, really well." I tell her what he told me. "And than I said you really like her don't you? And he said yeah I do with the biggest smile." I say kind of hurt.



"Let's just hope she doesn't do anything to hurt him."


"Well I'm sorry that it wasn't you with him last night."

"Well as long as he's happy that's all that matters."

"Wow, girl you're strong to be saying that."

"Yeah, well since she's dating Hayes we'll be seeing a lot of her so we've got to get used to it. It'll be hard but we'll figure it out some way." I joke and we laugh. *ding* Kayla's phone goes off. She looks at it and a smile forms on her face.

"Ooohhh, is that a text from Shawn?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says in a daze.

"What did he say?" I ask being the nosy person I am.

"He says he wants me to meet him at the park in an hour."

"Well you better start getting ready." I tell her.

"You mean we better start getting ready because you are coming with me. There's no way I'm going by my self." She says.

"Okay." I grab our clothes and my make up bag and go into the bathroom to change. I apply silver eyeshadow, mascara, and a thin like of eye liner. I brush my hair and than go into Kayla's room. "Ready?" I ask.

"Yep." She says and we head out the door.

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