Chapter Eight

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*Cameron's POV*

I walk through the hallway with Nash to our next class. I go to my locker to get my history text book and Avery is at her locker which is two down from mine. I wave and she waves back. We don't talk much but I really like her. We see each other a lot though, in the hallways at school and at the Grier's house. I close my locker and start walking down the hall again.

"Dude, when are you going to ask her out!?" Nash asks. The truth is, I don't know. I'm known as really out going but when it comes to Avery I just don't know what to say. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"I don't know, man." I reply.

"Well you should do it soon. You never know when someone else could take her away from you."

"I'll ask her after school today. I'll text her and tell her to meet me by my locker after school."

"Good. Text me and let me know what she says."

"Okay. I will." We both go into our separate classes. I get my phone out and text Avery.

*Avery's POV*

Lexie and I walk into class and my phone goes off in my pocket. I take it out and see that it's a text from Cameron.

C- Hey, meet me at my locker after school okay?

A- K

"Who was that?" Lexie asks.

"Cameron." I say.

"Ooohhh, that's why your smiling like the joker." She jokes.

"Am not."

"So maybe I was exaggerating but you did and still do have a huge smile on your face."

"Whatever." I say as the bell rings for class to start.

*Seventh period*

The bell rings for class to end. Lexie and I grab our stuff and head to my locker. I put my text books in and see Cameron at his locker. I turn to Lexie.

"Do I look okay?" I ask fixing my hair in my locker mirror.

"You look great!" She says reassuring me.

"Thanks! Can you wait for me?"


I walk over to cam.

"Hey." I say

"Hey." He replies.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh, yeah, right. Um. Well, Avery, I really like you, like really like you." Im in shock. I can't believe Cameron actually likes me!

"I really like you too!" I say.

"Really!?" His face lights up.

"Yeah. I've liked you since I met you." I say smiling.

"Me too." He says bringing me into a big hug. We stand like that for a couple of minutes than let go.

"Will you go on a date with me?" He asks.

"Of course!" I say.

"Okay, how about Friday after school?"

"I'd love that." I say giving him one last hug before he leaves. I walk back over to Lexie.

"That looked like it went really well." She says.

"It went extremely well! He said he really likes me and than asked me out on a date. It's Friday after school!!!" I say and we both squeal.

"Omg! That's great I'm so happy for you!!" She says. "I can't wait to tell the girls!"

"Me too. I'll text Kayla and all of the girls to meet us at my house. You are coming home with me!" I text my mom and ask her if it's okay to take Lexie home and have the rest of the girls over. Soon I get a reply saying yes and I text Kayla and the rest of the girls and tell them to meet me at my house. Lexie and I go wait for my mom outside.


Soon all the girls arrive and we are all in my room just talking.

"Okay girls! The reason I called you all here today is because I have an announcement." I say. "Cameron Dallas asked me out and we are going on a date Friday!" I say. We all scream. My mom rushes in.

"What happened?" She asks frantically.

"Nothing mom were fine." I say.

"Oh, okay." She says walking out and closing the door behind her.

"Have you told your mom yet?" Sam asks.

"No but I will over dinner. I'll tell the whole family all at once."

"Well, I'm happy for you!" Kayla says.

"Me too." Bri says. They all give me a hug.

"First I get asked out and go on a date and now you get asked out and go on a date! Who's next!" Kayla says.

"Who knows." Mahogany says and we all laugh. We talk for a couple more hours and soon the girls have to leave.

A/N hey guys sorry this is so short and late I've just been so busy as usual. Winter guard season just ended so I should be updating more but UIL for band is coming up soon so we'll see what happens. Thank y'all so much for reading!

Love y'all,

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