Chapter Seven

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*One week later* *Saturday*

*Hayes's POV*

I lay on my bed board out of my mind. I have nothing to do. My Xbox is broken, there's nothing good on tv, all of my friends are busy and so is my girlfriend. Nash is lame, sky is at a play date, and Kayla and Lexie are out with their friends. I think I'll just walk to the park. I put my shoes on and start walking.

When I get to the park I see a couple on the bench making out. Ew gross. At least when I make out with Mackenzie I do it in private. As I get closer I start to recognize the guy. Paul Robins, my line backer. I didn't know he had a girlfriend. As I pass the. I recognize the girl. It can't be. "Mackenzie?" I say. They automatically pull apart.

"Oh, Hayes." She says. "It's not what it looks like."

"Really Mackenzie! Its exactly what it looks like! This is the second time this week I foung you making out with a guy! I forgave you the first time and you go off and do it again?"

"I'm so sorry. It was an accident I swear! Please forgive me!" She says.

"How can it be a fucking accident! You were making out with a guy, let alone that guy being my line backer! My best friend! How could you do this to me?" I say holding back tears. I have been betrayed by not only my girlfriend but my best friend.

"Just please Hayes give me another chance. I will never do it again!" She says about to cry.

"You know what? No I'm not going to give you another chance. You cheated on me, for the second time in a week. I'm done Mackenzie. We're through." I turn around and go back to my house. Once I get out of sight from the park I start to run. When I get home I run straight to my room and burst into tears.

*Lexie's POV

The girls and I get back from the mall and go up to Kayla's room. As we pass Hayes's room I can hear sobs. Apparently none of the girls heard because they just kept going to Kayla's room. I follow and set my stuff down.

"I've got to use the restroom." I tell them.

"Okay." They say. I walk out of the room and go to Hayes's. I knock on the door.

"Go away Nash." He says. I giggle.

"Hayes, it's Lexie not Nash. Can I come in." I say through the door.

"Sure." He says. I open the door and see that he has been crying.

"Hey." I softly say closing the door behind me. "What's wrong?"

"I found Mackenzie and Paul making out in the park." He sniffs.

"Isn't that the second time she's cheated on you this week?" I ask sitting in the edge of the bed.

"Yeah." He looks down. That slut! How could she do this to him!

"How long has it been since you saw?"

"About thirty minutes ago."

"So would been here crying for thirty minutes."

"No..... More like twenty-five"

"Is there really a difference." I laugh trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes. About a five minute difference thank you very much."

"What ever." We laugh.

"You always know how to make me laugh." He smiles.

"Hey. What are friends for?"

"So when did you hear me crying?"

"The girls and I got back about five minutes or so ago and I could hear quiet sobs coming from your room and none of the other girls heard, so I said I needed to use the bathroom and came here to see what was wrong."

"Oh, well I'm glad you came. It definitely helped."

"Good. I'm sorry this happened."

"It's not your fault."

"You deserve much better than her."

"Yeah. I know that now. I just thought she was so perfect."

"No body is perfect." (Not referring to Hannah Montana)

"Yeah, but she was so nice and everyone thought we would be the perfect high school couple since I'm the quarter back and she's the head cheerleader."

"She may have been nice to you but she was never nice to me, Kayla, or our group of friends. That's why we didn't want to stay at the lake a couple weeks ago and we didn't let her stay the night with us."

"Really? Why didn't you tell me?" He says looking me in the eyes.

"I don't know. Kayla and I should have warned you about her. You just seemed so happy and we didn't want to ruin that. But she did. And now I feel bad for not saying anything. This all could have been avoided." I look down.

"Hey, it's okay. You need to stop blaming your self." He lifts my head to look up at him.

"I'm sorry, this all could have been avoided-"

"Stop." He cuts me off.

"Okay." He pulls me in for a hug. I hug back. We stay like that for about a minute and than I let go.

"I should probably get back to the girls, they probably think I fell in." I laugh and so does he.

"Thanks for everything."

"Of course!" I say. "Hey, do you want me to tell Kay?"

"Um...... Nah, I'll tell her."

"Okay." I give him one last hug and go back into Kayla's room.

"What took you so long?" Sam asks me.

"I never said what I had to do in the bathroom." I say.

"Oohhkay than." Bri says. I sit on the bed and we talk until everyone leaves.

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