Chapter Six

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Kayla's POV

Lexie and I walk down to the park. When we arrive Shawn is no where to be found. I check the time and we are ten minutes early. We sit on the swings and swing until he gets here. Soon we see a shady figure walking towards us. When the person comes into focus I know its Shawn.

"Hey Kayla, hey Lexie." He says

"Hey Shawn." Lexie and I say at the same time.

"Kayla, can I talk to you in private?" He asks.

"Sure." I say. Lexie walked over to a bench and starts playing on her phone. I turn my attention back to Shawn.

"So, Kayla, I wanted ask you a question."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Well, I'm just going to make this short." I'm confused. "Okay, well, it turns out, I have liked you for a really long time, so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be my girlfriend?" I'm in shock.

"Yes!" I say after finally processing what he just said. I give him a big hug.

"Great! So how about we go on a date say, maybe, Wednesday after school?"

"Sure, I'd love that." I say. We stand up and hug one last time and he leaves. I run over to Lexie.

"OMG OMG OMG!!!!!" I squeal.

"What!? What happened? What did he say?" She says jumping from the bench.

"SHAWN JUST ASKED ME OUT!!!!!!!" I squeal.

"OMG!!! That's fantastic!!!!!" She says giving me a big hug.

"Yeah! We have a date on Wednesday!"

"That's great! I'm so happy for you. Once you get the details about where it is we will have to get you an outfit and I'll be over to help you get ready. And I want to hear all about it!"

"Ok." Lexie's phone goes off.

"Ug, that's my mom, she wants me home." She says.

"Ok." We walk back to my house. Lexie grabs her stuff and leaves.

*Wednesday after school*

*Still Kayla's POV*

All the girls come to my house after school to help me get ready for my date with Shawn. Yesterday we went shopping for an outfit. He's taking me to a concert I don't know who it's for yet. He said its a surprise. It's the perfect date since we both are in love with music. I put on the outfit, (In the pic above. Idk how to really describe it lol but there's a pic) put my hair into a wavy waterfall braid and put on light pink eyeshadow, a thin line of eyeliner, mascara, light pink blush, and light pink lip gloss. (Pic of hair and make up above.) before I know it its 4 and Shawn is at my door. Nash opens the door and I come down the stairs.

"Wow. Kayla. You look beautiful." Shawn says.

"Thanks." I blush.

"Let's go." He says as he takes my hand.

"Have fun." The girls say.

"Yeah have fun, but not to much fun." Nash says. I turn my head and glare at him. Shawn opens the door for me and I get in. He comes around to the drivers side and gets in. We back out of the drive way and head to the concert.

"So what concert are we going to?" I ask.

"Look at the tickets." He says. I look at the tickets. Ed Sheeran.

"ED SHEERAN!!" I squeal.



"Well, I know how much you like him and I do to so I thought it would be perfect for our first date. And we are on the floor not in the stands so we can be closer."

"O my goodness! This is awesome! Thank you so much Shawn!"

"Your welcome!" The rest of the car ride we jam out to some Ed Sheeran. Soon we arrive at the concert. Since we are a little early we go over to the march table and get come t- shirts. We go find our seats and wait for the concert to start.

~skip concert~

Before I know it the concerts over and Shawn brings me home. He walks me up to my door.

"I had a wonderful time tonight." I say as we get to my door.

"Me too." He says leaning in and I lean in too. Soon our lips meet and sparks fly. Soon we break apart. "Well I'll see you tomorrow." He says.

"See ya tomorrow." I say and walk inside. I run up to my room and scream into my pillow. I can't wait to tell the girls tomorrow! It's only 10:30 I wonder if Lexie's still awake.

K- Hey! You should come over.

L- Be over in a sec.

Before I know it Lexie walks through my door. "Well that was fast." I say.

"Well I do live next door." She replies. "Now! Tell me all about it!"

"Okay, well." I tell her all about the concert and I told her about the drive home and "and than he walks me up to my door and than he kisses me not on the cheek, but on the lips."

"O my gosh!!! Really!"

"Yeah! And sparks flew!"

"Omg! That's awesome Kay! I'm so happy for you!!"

"Yeah...." I smile.

"I should probably go it's late and we have school tomorrow."

"Okay, well see ya in the morning."

"See ya!"

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