Chapter One

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My name is Lexie Espinosa. I have ombré hair with greenish blueish eyes. I am fourteen years old. I have a big brother who's name is Matthew Espinosa. He has brown hair and brown eyes, he's seventeen.

My best friend's name is Kayla Grier she has blond hair and blue eyes and she is fifteen. She has a big brother named Nash who has brown hair and blue eyes and he's sixteen. She also has a little brother who's name is Hayes. He has brown hair and blue eyes just like Nash. He's my age, fourteen. They have a half little sister named Skylynn. She has blond hair and brown eyes and she's four.

Kayla and her family live right next to me. Her family is like my second family. Matt and I's parents aren't home that often. They are always on business trips or working late shifts at work. When we were little we would either have a nanny or stay at Kayla's house. When Matt turned fourteen three years ago my parents let us stay home when they were gone but we still liked to stay over at their house because we are all best friends and we got used to staying there.


"Hurry up lexie!" Matt yells from down stairs. "We're going to be late!"

"Okay!" I yell back as I tie my hair into a ponytail.

"I'll be waiting in the car." He yells

"Bye mom." I say as I come down the stairs "Bye dad."

"Bye honey have a good day at school I'll see you when you get home." My mom says as I give her a hug and a kiss bye.

"Bye sweetheart have a good day." My dad says as I come around and give him a hug and kiss bye.

"You too." I say as I head out the door to the car.

"What took you so long?" Matt asks me as soon as I enter the car.

"I can't help that I'm a girl." I snap at him with a slight grin on my face.

"Are you sure your not just trying to impress a boy at school?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"What? Ew no there are no cute guys at our school!" I say.

Well, Actually there is one guy, Hayes, I know he's sorta like a brother to me considering his sister is my best friend. But I've liked him since we were in sixth grade. So that makes three years considering were freshmen in highschool. I haven't told anyone about liking him. Not even Kayla. My best friend. I mean who keeps their crush from their best friend right!? I even know who her crush is. Shawn Mendes, he's in our choir class. He has brown hair and brown eyes.

"Lexie, Lexie." Matt says as he snaps his finger in front of my face. "Are you okay?" He glanced over at me to see if I was ok but looked back at the road so he didn't wreck.

"Ya I'm fine just tired." I lie.

"Ok." He says.

Soon we pull into the parking lot at school. Every morning before school Matt goes and finds his crew and I go in the choir room and find Kayla. Me, Kayla and our friends Brianna, Samantha, and Avery meet in the choir room and hang there until the bell rings. Brianna has ombré hair and bluish greenish eyes just like me. Some people that don't know us think were sisters. She's fifteen like Kayla. Samantha has blond hair and bluish greenish eyes and she's fifteen like Kayla too. We like to call her sammy. Avery has blond hair and brown eyes and she's fourteen like me. I spot them in the corner of the room sitting on the risers.

"Hey guys." I say as I sit down and set my backpack down next to me. "What's up?"

"Nothing much just talking, waiting on you to arrive. And Kayla making googley eyes at Shawn. You know. The usual." Sammy replies and teases Kayla.

"What ever." Kayla says rolling her eyes. We all laugh. "Stop laughing." She says.

"What ever you say." I say. "If you ever want him to ask you out you should go over and talk to him." I tell her.

"What? Me? Go over there? No way. Not going to happen." She says. "He's in Nash's grade. A junior! I'm only a sophomore. And plus him and Nash are friends. I'm not going over there and talking to him. Are you guys crazy!?" She says

"That's exactly the reason you should go over there. Him and Nash are friends. You will be seeing a lot of him. He comes over to your house a lot to hang out with Nash. I should know I have been over there every time he is over. Either because you tell me to go over because he's there or he ends up there when I'm there. Either way I know he goes over to your house a lot. He already knows who you are so it's not like you are a complete stranger, and plus he's in our choir class." I tell her

"She's got a good point Kayla." Bri points out. And Avery and Sammy nods their heads in agreement.

"See. Thank you. At lease they agree with me." I say. "Kayla, just go."

"Ug! Fiinnnee!" She says admitting defeat. She starts grabbing her stuff and than the bell rings.

"Saved by the bell." She says relieved.

"Your not off the hook." Avery says.

"Ya your going to say something to him before choir practice starts today." I say.

"Ug!" She says.

"Don't worry." Sammy says. "We'll all be here to make sure you do it and not forget. And we'll be her to cheer you on." She says

"Thanks. That helps a lot!" Kayla says sarcastically.

"Hey. What are friends for." Sammy says as we all laugh and walk out the door and go to out separate classes.

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