Chapter One: Before

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I sat in the class room full of people and just stared out the window. The teacher talked on and on in the same monotone voice of hers, the students laughed and cheered, shouted and hollered. It was the last class of the day, and I had enough of school for today. I knew that once the bell rang, there would be a stampede busting through the halls, and I did not want to be a part of it...


The bell rang, and everyone ran to the door. They filed out of the classroom as if they were sardines exploding from a tin can. I shuffled by the teacher, trying to become invisible as I floated by, but it didn't work...

"Anastasia, can I talk to you for a minute?" the teacher called, "its about your grades....I think we should have a meeting with your parents"

"Yes Mrs. Hendrix....I'll talk to them when I get home..." I mumbled.

"Excellent... I'm sure they'll be surprized at such good grades you're making. Its not every day that I get a student with a 4.0 on their GPA...." Mrs. Hendrix explained excitedly.

I knew that once I got home I'd have to avoid my parents. They'd go off bragging about how their only daughter, the daughter of two amazingly wealthy doctors, has a 4.0 on her GPA. I'm not one to share my business but my parents sure are...


As I headed home, I walked past the football field. There were jocks in their outfits, and some looked very cute, but others not so much. Yes, I'll admit that they're very cute,but there is no way I'd have a crush on any of those bird-brained idiots. I stared out at the field and watched them run their laps, and I even sttod by the bleachers for a moment until one of them decided to start a conversation.

"Hey Anastasia, what's a bookworm like you doing down at the field?" One guy asked me.

"Oh....I'm was just...uhm...I was just heading home...." I stuttered.

"Well....I can't believe that you, my sweet, are a're just so pretty. In your light blue shirt, little skinny jeans, and black Converses... and your pretty brown hair, cut all scene, and your cute, black, rectangular glasses to just add onto the prettiness..." he gushed.

I looked down at my shoe, and turned red. Then I looked up at him, he had short, sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, and sculpted lips. His shoulders were very broad he was about six feet tall. His skin had a nice golden glow, and he just emitted a nice aura....yes, he was a nice person, but I was positive anyone could be nice.

"Well....uhm...thanks I guess. I'm just not used to getting compliments....what's your name by the way?" I asked.

"The name's Jakob. Jakob Garrison. You're Anastasia..... Anastasia Fuentes, right? I'm sure it is. How could I forget such an exquisite name." He replied.

"Yes, Jakob. That is my name. And thank you for the compliments...but I should be going. My parents highly dislike it when I'm late." I told him.

"Okay, Ana. I'm going to call you that from now on, I hope you don't mind. I'll see you later, hope you don't get chewed out too much by your parents"

As I left, I kept glancing back. I wondered why he began to talk to me. Jakob seemed a little odd, considering the fact that he flirted with me the first day we meet, but I just waved it off and thought he was being considerate.

As I walked down my street, I noticed that there were more kids outside than usual. Most were playing basketball, others were playing jump rope. I looked down and hugged my books close to chest. The noise from the kids suddenly ceased and as I looked up, I saw that all eyes were on me, they looked as if they were frozen in place. The basketball bounced until it made a sickening thumping, the jump rope landed on the concrete with a light bump. I turned around slowly and came to a stop. Everyone was staring at me as if I were some kind of mutant. I then started to run past all the kids, I ran with all my might. Down the street and up my walkway. I quickly hurried in and slammed the door. Slid all the way down to the floor, hugged my knees to my chest, and just drowned out the sound.


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