Chapter Five: Him

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As Erin dragged me through the crowd, I saw several faces that I knew. I began to say hellos, but as soon as I said it, I was whisked away. I stumbled and tripped, nearly knocking both me and Erin down.

"Erin," I yelled, "where the hell are we going?"

"We're going to him. You have to meet him!" She said excitedly

As she pulled me through the people, she stopped abruptly. She pulled me by her side and pointed straight ahead. There he stood. In the middle of the crowd, but it was as if I were meant to see him.

He was about 5'9 and stood with a sort of lean. His hair was long and brown, and his eyes were hazel near the pupils, green around the hazel, and a small ring of blue surrounded the green. His shoulders were very wide and he had a big build to him. He had the hint of a smile playing on his lips as he glanced my way.

"That's him" Erin whispered

"He's really cute..." I said breathlessly.

I'm not one to get all cutsie in front of people, but when he looked my way, I suddenly felt self conscious... like I wasn't dressed properly or my hair wasn't perfect. It felt odd wanting to look cute for this complete stranger, yet it gave me a rush. Every time he'd look at me, adrenaline would rush through my veins, causing the most perfect high anyone could get. Even with the drugs, I doubt anyone could feel that high.

Slowly, Erin pushed me towards him. As she did so, I could see how many people surrounded him. Lots of girls, gently touching his arms, guys hanging on his shoulders. I didn't know why, but I just wanted to shove all the girls off of him, and push the guys away. I wanted it to be just me and him...not even Erin could be there. He had to be all mine.

When I finally got face to face with him, Erin said 'hi.' She almost looked joyous as she inched me closer to him.

"William...this is Anastasia...Anastasia, this is William." She said with a wide smile.

"Hi..." he said shyly

"Hey..." I said while looking down at my shoe.

"Well...I just wanted you two to meet. William actually is single. He's a good friend, and as you can see, lots of girls like him" she added.

"Well, William, I'm Anastasia, as Erin said" I murmured

" Well Anastasia, its nice to meet you. I'm William. So how're you enjoying the party?" He asked me nicely.

"It sure is a rager....I've never been to a party this big before...I've only been to birthday parties for little kids." I said.

'Great,' I thought, 'way to go Ana, make yourself look like a total loser in front of this hottie.'

"Well, I like little kids birthday parties. There's always cake and ice cream there." He replied with a chuckle.

Erin decided to leave us to ourselves. I don't know why though. In this time, I needed someone to keep me from making a complete fool of myself. Instead she patted my shoulder, looked me in the eyes and gave me a look that said 'good luck'


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