Chapter Six: Afterwards

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*Anastasia's Thoughts*

Me and William really hit it was unimaginable. He could make me laugh, he could make me smile. No one could ever do that before.... but now that I've met William, I actually smile. He can tell me jokes that make me laugh so hard I cry, and then there's the thought that if he looks at me a certain way, I'll get really nervous.


The party was dying down, and lots of the people there either went home or was passed out from too mich beer. Since I talked to William, and we had so much to talk about, I decided to invite him over to my house. Why would I talk to such a hottie, and then not even invite him over?

"Hey, William. I wanted to know if you would like to go to my house" I said quietly

"I would love that!" He said in a rush.

I looked up at him through my eyelashes and smiled. 'Maybe this is going somewhere' thought to myself. William then took my hand and walked me through the crowd of people that was still left. Lots of passed out couples were on the couches, some single people were out on the floor, almost everyone was all on the floor or on the couches.

"Anastasia...." someone called, "Where you going?" I turned around to see Erin.

She looked as if she drank a little but not much, so I figured it was okay to talk to her. She wouldn't say nonsense now, would she?

"I'm going to my house to talk with William. So we can talk more." I said.

She pulled me aside and whispered in my ear, 'Do ya like him?'
"Yes...." I whispered back,
'Well ask him out!' She urged me.
"What??? NO!!! what if he don't like me back?" I reasones., "I'll just make a fool of myself"

She took it in consideration, then left me and pulled William aside. She talked to him for a long while. It felt like an eternity! After she got done, she turned to me with a huge, goofy grin.

"You got yourself a boyfriend now!" She said a little too loud.

I nearly fainted when she said that.

"He, what? How? When? You!!!!...." I replied exasperated.

"What do you think we were talking about? What dress he should wear?" She asked with a laugh.

"I didn't expect you to say something" I explained.

"Well, he likes you. A lot." She stated matter-of-factly.

She then pushed us away and told us to move along.

As me and William walked, he wrapped his arm around my waist. He looked down at me and gave me a wide grin.

"I'm glad we're together..." he whispered softly.

"Me too" I said while looking up at him.

"You look sexy as fuck!" He said excitedly, "I can't believe I got you to be my girlfriend...." he said as if it were a dream.

I looked up at him and asked him why. He then explained to me that not many girls like him, which I didn't understand. He was practically in a tidal wave of girls at the party...

"Baby...." he said softly, "I don't ever wanna let you go" he whispered in my ear.

I looked at him and smiled. No one has ever said that to me....and I was glad he did.

"I don't want you to let me go either..." I said to him.

As i looked up at him, I felt as if I already knew him. As if i already told him everything about me. As if I already loved him.


We arrived at my house a half hour after we left the party. We took our time, hopping around puddles, holding hands, staring at each other. It was ten o'clock when we actually got to my home.

"Anastasia, baby, its really late, so I can't stay long." He said with a small frown.

"Awe....I wish you could...." I told him.

We stood on my porch for the longest while. It seemed like forever. He enveloped me in an embrace. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the feeling of his strong arms holding me, and I breathed in his scent.

"I know this is early....but...I love you," he whispered.


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