Chapter Nine: Lots of Thinking

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Lots of Thinking
Williams POV

Anastasia said she loves me....

Its so hard to believe. I've never been loved by someone so feels good. To have someone there for you when you want or need them. And Anastasia looked so fucking sexy....I never knew she could look that good. But to top it all off, she's mine.

I have the claim over her. No one can say that she's theirs because she's mine. All mine. There's not any guy, or girl, who could take her from me. I'll fight till I can't fight no more to keep her mine.

I love her. I know this. She knows. Everyone should know. They should know that I, William Johnson, love Anastasia Fuentes. And she's the only girl for me.


Back to Anastasia's POV: Her Thoughts

With everything happening so fast between me and William, its hard to believe. I mean, if you found yourself a total babe, and he was already into you, wouldn't it be hard for you to believe? Wouldn't you make a double-take on what happened?

William and I have been together almost three whole months. I still can't believe that we've been together so long. And I'm not even tired of him yet. I love him with ally heart and I have tried to tell him, by I can't....its hard to do.…

Chapter Nine (part 2): Love brings Chaos....


The football field was soaking wet. It had rained that morning and everything was drenched. As I walked the field, I smelled the scent of cut grass, rain, and flowers. The humidity hung in the air, causing me to sweat slightly, which in turn, made my clothes cling to my body. After every storm, I go for a walk. I don't know where I'm headed when I set out, but I eventually end up where I belong. Its as if my mind controls my legs, and I know where I should be, and when I should be there.

While I strutted to the fence, I heard the yells of teenage guys. They hollered and hooted, whistled and wailed. Seeming to get louder the more they talked. When I reached the fence, I could see their shadows, but I couldn't see them clearly. I hadn't realized how much fog had settled around me till now. I couldn't even see five feet in front of me.

"HEY!" Someone yelled, "Who's over there?"

I quickly rushed over to the bleachers and hid under them. I couldn't let anyone see me. Not after what happened last time....

*The sun had peeked out from behind the marshmallow clouds when I set out. Today was going to be a lazy day, but I was determined to get my walk done. As I walked out the house, and ventured down the street, I realized I had on a tank top and jogging pants. Not to mention my bed head....

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