Chapter Seven: He said It

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"I love you..." William said once more.

I stood there in his arms, speechless. As I stop there, I absorbed his words. I rewinded a bit, and played that moment over and over again in my mind.

William started to grow a little impatient and decided to loosen his hold on me. As he did so, I stepped back a little to look him in the eyes. When I did, I noticed he looked hurt.  Just the tiniest bit of hurt showed in his eyes, but it was enough for me to realize what I had done.

"Welp...." he muttered, "its getting late, so I shou—"

"I love you too" I blurted, cutting him off in the process.

"I've seen you around...and until now, I thought I'd never feel this way. I always thought that I'd never find love, and I was beginning to believe that it didnt exist..." I confessed

It was his turn to be speechless. And just as I imagined it, he was. He stood there in awe. His eyes showed happiness, yet his facial expression was blank. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me passionately. After a moment, he stopped and let go. We were both breathless.

"Woah...well.. uhm...okay....that was nice.." I whispered softly. Of course I didn't expect that to happen, so it was out if the blue. I looked up at William and began to blush when I saw the ghost of a smile at the corner of his lips.  All it did was make him smile more. 

" is really late." He said, "its almost ten!" He exclaimed as he looked at his watch.

" should be going then..." I whispered in a meloncholy tone.

"Even though i dont want to.." he sighed.

He turned to leave, but as he walked down the walkway, he turned back around.

"I love you Anastasia Fuentes" I shouted at me, causeing a smile to play on my lips.

"I love you too!" I called.

As soon as the words left my mouth, he began to jog down the street. When he began to jog, I walked into my house. I walked as if I were in a dream; slowly, yet steady, as if my legs were huge clumps of metal.

"Hmmm..." I sighed, all lovestruck.

'This has to be a dream' I thought to myself as I strode into my room. I looked into my mirror and decided to pinch myself; just in case.

"OUCH!!!" I screamed.

'This obviously isn't a dream...OH MY GOSH!!!!! ITS NOT A DREAM!!!'

My mind raced with thoughts and hopes of what tomorrow would bring, but as I laid down in my bed, I drifted off to a place much different than that. I left the world of reality and found 'Dreamland'. A magical place where fairies exist, where I can be anything I want, and where anything an happen.

My eyes fluttered closed and I took in a deep breath. Then, every sound disappeared.


A/N: Hai fellow peoples! I hooe this story is good so far, I've put a lot of thought into it. And I have a sttong connection with it. Mainly because its a story that relates to my relationship, just a little altered to make it more interesting.

So this story means A LOT! BTW, the next chapter is probably gonna be in third person. I figured I needed to change it up. Anyways, I won't be updating as often, and I know not many people read this and are interested in it, but for those for you who are, I may update once a week. Maybe once every two weeks. But don't fret! I will keep this story going until the last chapter or till my last breath. Whichever comes first.

Luv ya'll (yes I'm southern...)
~Tot <3's π

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