Chapter Fifteen: The Break-up...

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Chapter Fifteen: The break up...
I sat in my room with only the Christmas lights on. I strung them up two nights before Christmas. As I sat there, my phone lay in my lap. I twiddled with my little stuffed animal and played with his fake hair. It was soft and seemed so gentle that if I were to touch it too hard, it'd fall apart. Soon, my phone rang. On the Caller ID, a picture of William flashed onto my screen. His smile being almost contagious until I realised why he was calling. Hesitating, I answered the phone...

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey....uhhh...." he said, then it was silence.

"What's going on between us?" I asked almost annoyed.

"I mean, I've been hearing things about you saying that you're gonna break up with me and that you've been saying it for a month now...if you're telling everyone this, why not do it?" I said

Again, there was silence on the phone. Then he brought up the fct of me posting pictures of him on the media.

"I saw those pictures of me on Facebook. And i specifically said for you to not put anything of me on there. But you go against me and do it anyways...that made me really mad."

"William, that happened two months ago. And it was only two photos. So why are you still fussing over it? No one has said anything bad about it." I reasoned.

Yet again, there was silence.

"Do out wamt to break up?" I asked, tears welling up in my eyes.

"A little...but not really..."

" have to be certain. Yes or no. So you want to break up."

"Yes....I want to break up..."

That's when it flooded. Tears poured down my face, soaking my shirt....the shirt he loved...

"Okay...." I said between sobs, "just....friends....even though it'll be really hard for me?"

"Yeah, just friends" he confirmed.

He sounded so if it didn't affect him. Maybe it didn't. He was the one who wanted to end it anyways...

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