Chapter Three: The Invite

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Jakob stood inside my house. He was rubbing the back of his head, seeming a little nervous.

"Hey, Ana. I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party with me? But as in friends. Not like a date or anything" he spat out.

"When's the party?" I asked, "It really depends on the day or bight it is if ull be able to go..."

He looked up at me for a brief moment then looked down.

"Well, Ana, the party is this Saturday night. At the lake. Are you free that night?" He asked cautiously.

All the while, my dad was standing there awkwardly. He stuck out like a sore thumb, but now I was grateful that he stayed. I looked over at him to get my answer.

"Dad?....can I go?..." I asked softly.

He thought a moment, then he made up his mind. When he did, a huge smile spread across his face.

"Anastasia, you've been keeping up with your school work, and being the best daughter I could've asks for. So why would you even have to ask me? You know the answer is yes!" He finished.

As he said those last few words, I jumped up and down with joy and Jakob breathed a sigh of relief. I hadn't known that he was holding his breath....

"Well, I'll just leave you two alone." Dad said quietly, and he walked to the kitchen awkwardly.

I moved closer to Jakob, and locked my hands behind my back. As I got closer and closer, I noticed how much taller he was than me. I'm about 5'4 but he was like....6'3....he was a skyscraper! And it wasn't until I got next to him that I noticed cute dimples on his cheeks, that he had pale pink freckles around his nose, and he smelled oddly of Mountain Dew. It must've been his favorite soda.

"So...Jakob. Where's the party again?" I asked him.

"Down at the lake, in the woods. Its a private party so only the coolest of kids get in." He explained, "I'm the one throwing the party and I wanted you to come. Its gonna be AMAZING!" He said enthusiastically.

" But I'm not one of the 'cool kids,' I'm one of the geeks/ nerds" I told him.

With this he looked down at his shoe and thought a moment. Then he looked up at me as he flashed me a smile.

"Well now...I can get things done. I promise you'll get into the party" He assured me as he gave me a wink.

I looked down at my toes to keep him from seeing me turn red. Only then did I realise that I had on my dinosaur socks.
When did I take off my shoes? And i seriously need to get rid of these stupid socks!

I thought to myself. And somehow, he read my mind....

"Those socks are cool. Some people would say they're stupid but they're not!" He said out of the blu.

I looked up at him and smiled like an idiot, but I didn't notice I was smiling until he told me.

"I like your smile...." he said, "You look a lot more happy when you smile."

"Oh...well thanks...And I am happy right now..." I stammered. God! He looked so darn cute. How could I not smile? Just then the clock sounded.


I checked it to see what time it was. The clock read 5:45 pm..... it couldn't have been right. Jakob has only been here for a few minutes. Or so it seemed. Jakob checked his watch and looked up at me.

"Well...time sure does fly!" He nearly shouted, "But I should get going. I'll see you at the party right?"

"Definitely. I'll be there. Or could you come pick me up?" I asked in hopes that he would say yes.

"Yeah, Yeah, I will. I'll meet you at your door around five. Okay?" He said with a smile.

"Okay. See you then" I said with a small smile.

"See you" Then he walked out of my house.

I didn't know why but, I couldn't wait for saturday to get here. I just knew something good would come out of it. But I didn't know what exactly.


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