Chapter Four: The Party And A New Friend

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Saturday came all too quickly. The past week had been a blur. Rushing to get school work done, and then deciding what to wear was a lot of work. But no matter how hard the decisions got or how difficult the work was, I was determined to get it all done before Saturday. And that's exactly what I accomplished.


I was clearing off my dresser drawee when the phone rang. As I walked over to it, a number I didn't know flashes on the caller ID. But I still decided to answer it.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone.

There was commotion in the background. I heard the sound of a thousand voices fill the speaker and music blaring past the noise. There was shuffling then the sound of a door clicking as the music and voices were muffled.

"Hello? Is there anyone there?" I asked cautiously. Then, on the other end, was a familiar voice...

"Hey Ana. Do you need me to come get you?" It asked. And I knew then that it was Jakob.

"Oh. Yeah. I still need you to come get that okay?" I asked him

"Oh yeah, its totally fine. I'm gonna have my friend Erin come get you. She's the life of the party!" He exclaimed.

Okay, are you sending her now?"

"Yes. So if you're not ready, you better hurry up." He spoke into the phone. Then he hung up.

As I stood there with the phone to my ear, I heard the eerie silence. I stood there a moment before it processed in my mind: I was going to a party. An actual party where there'd be a lot of people.

I ran upstairs excitedly and tore through my closet. Throwing dresses and shirts here and here. Tossing pants everywhere. I couldn't figure out what to wear.

I held up a pink knee-length dress to my body, but tossed it aside. So not my color... I grabbed anotjer dress and another, but still, they didn't feel... right.

Finally I decided on a smoke-grey T-shirt, black skinny jeans, and my Vans. I skipped out on my Converses because they were dirty and scuffed. Next, I had to decide what to do with my hair. Should I straighten it, curl it, pull it up, leave it down, or just simply brush it?

After trial and error with the curling iron, I got so frustrated that I grabbed my flat iron and made the curls disappear. I then pinned part of my bangs up witj a bobby pin to keep them from getting in my eyes. As I brushed the length of my hair, the dorr bell rang.

"Coming!" I shouted downstairs. As I left my room, I grabbed my blue jean jacket and softly closed my door before rushing downstairs.

I opened the door and there she stood. A girl about 4"9 or 5" stood at my doorway. She has short, light brown hair, cut at her ears and trimmed down. Her eyes were a beautiful green-brown with flakes if gold, orange, and yellow from time to time. She wore a black and white jacket and a pair of black pants with lots of zippers. Her jacket hung off her a little, but her jeans hugged her legs closely. She was an adorable girl, and I knew we'd become best friends instantly.

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