Chapter Thirteen: Anastasia's Thoughts

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Chapter Thirteen: Anastasia's Thoughts

Although the beach was fun, after that, William had nothing to do with me. We would sit around and talk, but not like we used to. He used to hold my hand or hold me up against him....but now all that is gone. His excuse was "Its too hot for all that right now, " but it hurt.

Ever since then, he's just been....closed up. Like a scared little kid, or a clam closed up in his clamshell. I don't know why, but he seems more distant. He acts as if I'm not his girlfriend, and like I'm more of a friend.....And its been forever since he's said "I love you" first...its always me to say it.....but the last day he said it first was my birthday.

And after all this thinking, I'm worried that he may be thinking of breaking up with me.... I mean seriously. If our boyfriend or girlfriend ignores you like he does, treats you like you're nothing, and takes, takes, takes, without giving back, would you think something's wrong?....I sure do.

But I just hope everything is okay. Everything gets better right?....everything gets better.....

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