Chapter Eight: Three Month Skip!!!!

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*Three month skip!!!!* (because I can :p  )


Anastasia was standing on the doorsteps at Williams house. The very first time she's ever been to his house. She was utterly nervous and afraid shed screw up. As she lifted her hand to knock on the blood-red door, it swung open.

"Anastasia!!!" William cried, "I'm so glad your here!"

He stood back and took her in. He had chosen her most favorite clothes today. Black skinny jeans, a while tank top that clung to her hourglass figure, a light blue crop top with Pikachu covering most of the front, and black knock-off converses. He looked her up and down, then smiled a huge, bright smile.

Anastasia just stood there on Williams porch awkwardly. She didn't know what to do. As she stood there, the world enveloped them. Everything seemed to disappear, and it was just them. He moved closer and placed his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

They began to inch closer to each other until their faces were just an inch apart. Anastasia reached up and gently carressed his face. He traced his jawline and looked up into his eyes. They seemed to be pleading for something. Something that longed to be with him. Something that she may have.

Suddenly, he kissed her softly. He closed his eyes and savored the kiss, but became more urgent. It turned into a deeply passionate and wild kiss. Their arms and legs moved an their own; her arms around his neck and one leg hugged his upper thigh. One hand groped at her butt and the other was holding her leg.

Everything seemed to be climaxing fast....

William scooped Anastasia up and carried her inside with her legs wrapped around his waist. As he laid her down, he saw that she was breathing was ragged and her eyes showed something he's never seen before. Something he liked. And he wanted it.

"I'll be back" William said in a voice that was very hoarse.

As he walked into the other room, Anastasia sat on the couch he'd set her on. Until then, she didn't know things could get that intimate. She liked it, but was afraid. As she waited for him to return, she looked around the room. There was a small grandfather clock above a fireplace that had a mantle which in turn, held old family pictures. A huge entertainment center sat against the wall in front of her. Beside that, was the entrance to what looked like a kitchen. The carpet was a deep red and the walls were white. Even though it was simple, it was beautiful.

Just as she was looking at her fingers, William sauntered in. He was wearing turn faded blue jeans, a white bike rally shirt, and brown boots. When he reached Anastasia, he gently took her hands into his.

"I love you Anastasia...." he whispered to her.

Then he planted a kiss on her cheek and trailed kisses to her lips.

"And you're so fucking beautiful...." he added

As he reached her lips, Anastasia wrapped her arms around his neck and said, "I love you too..."


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