Chapter Two: At Home

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I kept my face down and stared down at my jeans. I didn't know why I ran. I just didn't know.

There was a loud screech as brakes were put on and the sound of a car engine being turned off. Then there were footsteps that led to the back door. As it opened, I smelled the usual. The disinfectant, antibacterial soap, and medicine. Oh, the smell was such a horrid concoction!

"Anastasia? Honey? Are you home?" A voice asked cautiously.

It was dad. Its always dad. Mom usually works overtime since her promotion. So most of the time, its just me and my dad.

"Anastasia? Are you in the house?" Dad shouted.

"I'm in here, I just got home." I yelled to him as I got up off the cool, wooden floor.

I walked through the kitchen and through the laundry room till I found him. Dad had on his scrubs and they wreaked of a hospital. I made a face and pinched my nose.

"Dad...not to be mean, but you really smell horrible" I told him, "I love you, but you know I cannot stand the smell of a can you please go change while i prepare supper?" I asked.

I watched as he hurried up stairs. Then I strutted over to the refrigerator and pulled out two pizzas. I set them on a pan, preheated the oven to 350° and pulled out my phone to play music. I selected the song I wanted and turned it up. And the song just so happened to be my favorite; "Dear Maria, Count Me In" by All Time Low. I bean to sing and dance around while I picked up my books and ran to my room.

"I GOT YOUR PICTURE IM COMING WITH YOU! DEAR MARIA COUNT ME IN!" I sang at the top of my lungs. The short guitar solo came on and I went crazy. I began strumming the invisible strings of my air guitar until I heard a noise at my door.

"Ahem...." My dad said, "I'm pretty sure your guitar is nonexistent, Anastasia...."

"Oh know you would do the exact same thing!" I reasoned.

He thought for a moment and then a wide grin appeared on his face. Then I realized he had an idea...

"Well...since you know me so well, you wouldn't mind if I did this!..." He laughed, then he began to jump all around, dancing and being fun. He plays his own air guitar and made himself a solo. Afterwards he bowed and we sat on my bed. It was times like this that made me happy.

After a few minutes of sitting, the timer dinged. As I got up and headed downstairs, the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" My dad yelled.

He came rushing down the stairs and almost knocked me over. My dad opened the door and this tall dude was standing there. He had sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, jeans, and a red T-shirt on.

"Hi..." he said shyly, "Is Anastasia home?"

"Oh...why yes she is" my dad said.

As he moved aside to let the stranger in, I saw him. It was Jakob. Bit why was he at my house?


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