Chapter Twelve: The Trip...

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Tot- This is a four month skip. Sorry about the long skip, but I really have to wrap this book up. I'm not that good of a writer, and I'm kind running out of things to write of...I may have enough for three more chapters, but then again, I'm not completely sure about that..... But anyways, I hope the people reading my book enjoy it, and I know I have some major spelling errors, and I apologize, but on a phone it can't be completely correct. So enough of me, and onto the chapter...
Chapter Twelve: The Trip
Anastasia's POV

William and I have been together for quite a while and our parents have been hanging out. Turns out, our moms know each other! How convenient is that??? And since they know each other and get along great, I am able to go on a trip with William during spring break. We're going to the beach, and it'll be my very first time ever. I still remember the day it was agreed....


William was sitting on the railing beside me as the harsh sun beat down on our backs. It was a hot day, one I would barely be caught outside in. Yet I was at Williams house, I spent the night and had tons of fun. He has a sister named Shelbie, and we get along better than bears & honey.

But that day was also a lazy day. William, Shelbie, their mom Carol, and I were all lounging around on the back porch. Then William brought up the fact of going to the beach.

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