Chapter Ten: Her Breakdown

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Chapter Ten: Her Breakdown
Williams POV

Anastasia was hiding under the bleachers when I found her. I had heard everyone shouting out to someone, but I didn't know who, so I decided to go look. As I rounded the bend, there she was. Squatting under the step, head between her legs and her hands over here ears, and she looked so tiny.

"Anastasia? What's wrong? Why ate you hiding?" I asked her softly.

"Things.....just things....." she said between her hiccuping sobs.

She looked up at me, pain clinging to her eyes. This was not the Anastasia I knew and loved. Something was wrong. Very very wrong.

As I stood there, looking into her eyes, I pleaded her to tell me everything. I wanted her to, and I hoped she would.

Just standing there in the cold rain, not knowing what's kills your soul. Having the unknown linger, having it draped around your shoulder. It being an unwelcome guest. It doesn't feel good to be so afraid for someone who's usually so brave...

"Anastasia," I said cautiously, "If you don't mind, I'd like to know what these 'things' are.....okay?"

She nodded and told me that I could not tell anyone. I promised her and I never go back on promises. So when the words left my mouth, she began to tell me.


Chapter Ten: (part 2) After the breakdown....
Anastasia's POV

After I told William everything, he sat down on the ground beside me and draped his arms around me.

"No one is ever gonna hurt you like that....especially with me around." He whispered in my ear.

"But........what if......there comes a time aren't here?....." I questioned.

"That day will never come.....I promise. I'll never leave you." William promised me, then he kissed my forehead.

I looked up at him and gave him a weak smile. Everything wasn't okay, but it's a lot better than it was.

"C'mon. We should get out of the rain." He said when he stood up, and it wasn't until then that I noticed it was starting to rain again. The pitter-patter on the metal bleachers, the drip-drop from the puddles, the constant trickle as water ran down the pipes on the bleachers. Everyone had was only me and William.

As I stood up beside William, raindroos fell onto my cheek. As the slid down my face, it covered all the salty trails from when I was crying. Stepping out from underneath the bleachers, I saw that there were birds out. They tweeted and twittered along with the beat of the rain. Then there were little frogs that croaked after the birds. Next a small handful if cicadas were sounding off. It all sounded so musical, the world had a rhythm of its own to go along with.

As I walked forward in complete awe, William started humming along with the tune. He began to tap his foot softly and him at full blast. It was as if he heard it too. Suddenly, I began singing words I've never said before. They were of the feelings trapped inside that can't get out. I began to sing the notes with grace, feeling the rhythm of it as I walked around. Then as I was coming to an end, the song ended on the words "why am I always hurt?.....why can't I be like them?.......oh if only I could know.......then maybe...just maybe...I wouldn't be so......alone....."

Once I finished the song, I walked over to William, grabbed his hand, and asked 'walk me home please?' William took hold of my hand and started to walk towards the road, but I stopped him.

"No, I mean the long way...."

"But we'll get soaked....." he reasoned.

"I don't care, I can walk myself home if you want me to..."

"No baby, I'll walk you home. C'mon"

And then we started towards my home in the pouring rain.


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