Chapter 1- Isekai'ed

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(A/n: If you don't know any of the Titanfall terminology. Just look it up to get a better picture. Also enjoy the story, I got bored and this is what I did with my time.)

You were a Titanpilot working for the Militia. A part of The 6-4 titan mercenary group contracted by the Militia to help fight the IMC. You were helping the Militia on the planet of Typhon. Your mission was to infiltrate an IMC testing facility to get some more data on phase running for Pilots and deliver it to SRS commander Sarah Briggs. The last thing you remembered happening is that you were being evacuated out of Typhon since the Fold weapon became unstable. You were making your way to a widow transport with your titan CR-1299, a Northstar class titan.

CR-1299: "Pilot we need to be quick. BT-7274 has launched themselves into the Ark and has made the Fold weapon unstable. Planetary explosion imminent."

Y/n: "Alright CR! I'm getting the rest of the IMC data now!"

You looked at the screen and saw the data transfer was complete and you pulled your data knife out of the console. Thinking to yourself you thought that this intel better be worth missing out on the big fight they were having at the Fold weapon. You ran out of the facility and made your way to CR who was guarding the perimeter for you. You hop into CR and start to make your way to the transport.

Transport Pilot: "Come on! Let's go!"

You and CR hop onto the widow and you start to make your way to a Militia fleet carrier. But even before you break the atmosphere of Typhon, the Fold weapon erupts and causes your transport to fail and get blown away in the explosion. Even though you were in CR you saw a bright flash of light then just black and silence.

Somewhere else on Earth in 2021...

Four girls were sitting in a nicely decorated mansion. A Fox vastaya was on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate watching Tv. When suddenly a very energetic girl comes running into the living room.

Akali: "Ahri! Quick switch to the news channel!"

Ahri: "Huh? I thought you said you hated watching the news?"

Akali then just grabs the remote and switches to the closest news channel. Both of the girls were shocked at the head line. "Strange ship crashes into earth from atmosphere, NASA and SpaceX now looking into the matter."

Akali: "Could it be aliens!!!?"

Ahri just looked at the girl and went back to the Tv. She then thought to herself, "Could it be aliens?"

Crash Site 6 hours prior...

You wake up to multiple alarms and beepings going on around you. You look at your hud and try to get a bearing of your situation.

Y/n: "CR! What's going on?!"

CR: "We are crashing into orbit with a planet."

Y/n: "We're still on Typhon?!"

CR: "No my scanners indicate we are on Earth but in the year 2021."

Y/n: "Earth? 2021? But that's not possible... Is it?"

CR: "The Fold weapon must've knocked us into some kind of slipspace rupture and sent us to this time period and version of Earth."

Y/n: "Version of Earth, what are you talking about CR?"

CR: "I will explain once we hit the ground."

Y/n: "Hit the ground? ... CR! Flightcore now!!!!"

CR: "Flight core activated."

You make your way out of the falling transport ship and cruise your way down to the surface of Earth. You watch from a safe distance as the widow makes contact with the forest. Making a massive crater of once were lush green trees, now just an area of scorched earth.

Pilot, KDA Report (KDAxMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now