Chapter 6- Valkyrie

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After you ate dinner with the girls you were setting up all of the furniture and other stuff with Akali in your room.

Akali: "There! Now that everything is plugged in! Let's turn it on!"

You hit the on button on the computer and it radiated a rainbow array of lights from the inside and outside. Your 3 monitors lit up as well. Your computer booted up and turned on.

You: "Amazing! This great Akali!"

Akali: "Yeah now let's get you some games so that we can play together!"

You and Akali browsed some games and showed you how to navigate the settings of your computer and game profiles.

Akali: "Okay! Now that everything is set up, we can play games together!"

You: "Sounds like fun! But can we do it another time? I'm tired from today and I want to go to bed early."

Akali: "Sure that's okay! Well then, goodnight (Y/n)!"

You: "Goodnight Akali."

She left your room and you just went to bed. For the next couple of months or so you would accompany KDA in their various lives. Ahri to her makeup line meetings. Kai'sa to her dance practices and lessons she held. Akali around to make sure she wouldn't cause trouble and get arrested. Evelynn to the night clubs and her clothing line meetings. As head of security you had the rest of your special hand picked security team accompany the others when you were already busy. Today was one of those few rare days that everyone was basically free and didn't have anything to do.

Ahri: "Hey (Y/n) can you come down to the living room when you're done? We need to talk."

You just turned to Ahri and gave her a confused look.

You: "Sure, I'll be down in a second."

You finished getting dressed and you went downstairs. You also decided to pack your data knife and wingman revolver just in case. You saw all of the girls sitting on the couch and you joined them.

You: "Yo, what's going on?"

They all kinda just looked at each other and Evelynn spoke up.

Evelynn: "Look darling, it's no secret at this point that we all like you."

You: "Of course we all like each other, we're all friends aren't we? I mean I know you really like me Eve."

Evelynn: "No dear you're not getting the point, what I mean is that we really really like you!"

You just sat there confused until CR poked her head in and chimed in.

CR: "Pilot, I believe what they mean is that they all are looking to engage in a romantic relationship with you."

You: "I know... I just was, you know joking."

All of you just sat there kinda embarrassed and red in the face. You decided to break the awkward silence.

You: "Are you sure? I mean I'm not the best looking and I'm not anything special. I'm just a pilot after all."

Ahri: "What do you mean?! You're totally handsome! Evelynn said you were hot the other day and I can agree she's not lying!"

Kai'sa: "You're totally special to us! Even though it's been a couple of months, we really think you're a one of a kind person!"

Akali: "Yeah! You came from space and the fact you're a pilot makes you really fucking cool!"

Evelynn: "Dear, we all really like you. There's nothing you could do that would make us look at you any different. We just want to cherish and appreciate you for who you are."

Pilot, KDA Report (KDAxMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now