Chapter 8- The 6-4 are always Family

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It had been about four weeks since Valkyrie started her piloting training. She was starting to get a hang of jumping, sliding, and wall running with her jump kit in the pod. Now you were testing her skills out of the pod. You were able to use an empty wearhouse where the girls would put most of their concert stuff in. But since the tour was in a couple of months they were already shipped off to the locations. You managed to set some stuff up with the help of CR and Valkyrie. You had built the course over the time she spent in the pod. Today was the first day she would try to tackle it in person.

You: "Okay, when I hit this air horn you will start."

Valkyrie: "Got it, I'm ready."

You: "Let's start then."


You saw she started to run and get through the first half of the course. She had trouble with the second half of the course since she couldn't touch the floor and had to wall run the way. The last part of the course she had to slide and wall run a bit. She then made it back to the start and stopped your timer.

You: "5 minutes and 36 seconds. Not bad sis, not bad at all. But still can't beat my time. What do you think CR?"

CR: "The time is almost above average for all pilots for their first time in gauntlet."

Valkyrie: "What's your time? I'm sure I can."

You: "2 minutes flat."

Valkyrie: "What!? How!?"

You: "Speed is life, sis."

You chuckle a bit then you get a call from Evelynn. Valkyrie just takes off her jump kit and takes a drink of water.

You: "Hello?"

Evelynn: "Hey when you're on your way home can you get more ice cream we just ran out."

You: "Sure, I'll do that. Anything else?"

Evelynn: "Hold on, let me ask."

You could hear Eve yell to ask if the other girls needed anything.

Evelynn: "Ahri is asking for cookies and Akali wants more instant ramen."

You: "Sure me and the kid can stop by the store when we are done here."

Evelynn: "Thank you, love you."

You: "Love you too Eve. See you later."

You hung up and put your phone away. You walked towards Valkyrie and gave her a pat on the back.

You: "We'll go through the course one more time, then we'll hit the store.

Valkyrie: "Alright, let's go again."

You spent a bit more time with Valkyrie on the course and you just finished up. You both packed up your things and changed into some normal clothes not wanting to make people wonder. You then packed it up and got into your car. It was a normal but nice Honda civic. It took you a bit to get to know the LA area but you were used to it by now.

You: "CR go ahead and head back to the house. We'll meet you back there."

CR: "Understood pilot, returning to base."

CR just flew off and you and Valkyrie went to the closest grocery store. You both walked in and got ice cream for Evelynn and some ramen for Akali. You were checking out and then you got a call from CR.

You: "CR? What's up?"

CR: "I scanned the house and I noticed that there were no life signs. Also the front and back door seems to be broken into."

Pilot, KDA Report (KDAxMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now