Chapter 14- Magic Mishaps

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(Okay, so this will take a bit longer to rewrite since I have to move chapters around, cut content out, figure out what content stays, and blah blah blah. But still it will be done. Anyways thanks and enjoy.)

It was an average day in the KDA house. The KDA tour would happen in the coming weeks. The girls were in the living room watching dramas. Valkyrie was out in the city to just be out of the house. You were in your room sleeping in for the day.

Kai'sa: "What time is it?"

Ahri checks her phone.

Ahri: "It's about 12:40."

Kai'sa: "Should we wake (Y/n) for lunch? He didn't come down for breakfast at all."

Akali: "Maybe we should go and check on him."

Evelynn: "Perhaps we should go and wake him. It's not like him to sleep in this late."

Ahri: "I'll go and get him."

Ahri got off of the couch and went upstairs to your room. She cracked the door to peek and she saw that your room was still dark and you were lying in your bed still. Ahri crept up as close as she could and placed her hand on your head. Your dreams weren't as bad as when they started but flashes of your past from the war were still playing. She let go of your head and proceeded to poke your cheek.

Ahri: "(Y/n)~ It's time to get up."

You: "*Groans* Five more minutes..."

Ahri: "Baby, you've been in bed for the whole morning. You gotta get up eventually."

You: "It's my day off... I can do whatever I want."

Ahri: "(Y/n) you should be more productive on your days off and spend time with us."

You: "Please, just let me sleep..."

Ahri was starting to get annoyed with your willingness to stay in bed.

Ahri: "If you stay in bed, I'll do something bad."

You: "Like what?"

At this point you've basically turned over to look at her but still refuse to get out from your covers.

Ahri: "I'll cast a spell on you."

You: "You wouldn't dare."

Ahri: "Try me."

At this point Ahri had a ball of blue energy in her hand and she looked like she was ready to throw.

You: "Do it, you won't."

Ahri: "Fine, I did warn you."

Ahri went to playfully throw it at you but she lost her grasp on it and it actually flew towards you. You put your hands up defensively and you just felt the ball get absorbed into your body. Then a cloud of mist poofed around you.

You: "Huh?"

Ahri: "...."

You: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ahri: "Uh! Nevermind! You can go back to bed! Goodnight!"

Ahri then ran out the room and slammed your close. You then got out of bed and turned your lights on. You walked into your bathroom and looked in the mirror.

You: "Son... of a bitch..."

You noticed the (H/c) ears on the top of your head. You reached for them and you could feel that they were real. You then noticed several. Yes several (H/c) tails behind you. You went to go and feel all nine of them and how they connected to your lower back. Your eyes then go wide and your jaw drops.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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