Chapter 10- KDA's Gunslinger

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You: "Uh...."

Before you got to think of an answer you heard the doorbell ring. You and the girls just looked at each other before you got up to get the door.

You: "Are you guys expecting anyone?"

KDA: "No."

You open the door and see a police officer standing at the door. She had her long purple hair and blue eyes. There was another woman standing next to her with pink hair also in a police officer's uniform.

You: "Can I help you officers?"

The girls look to see who's at the door and they're surprised to see someone they know.

Akali: "Caitlyn? Vi?"

Ahri: "Huh what are you doing here?"

You let them both walk in and you just close the door behind them both.

You: "You know them?"

Kai'sa: "Yeah! They're from Runterra like all of us. They both became cops when we came over.."

Vi: "Yup, me and these girls go all the way back and who are you by the way? Evelynn's boy toy?"

You: "Oh, I'm (Y/n) (L/n) KDA's personal bodyguard actually."

You put your hand out for a hand shake. She takes it and puts a good grip on it.

Caitlyn: "Nice to meet you as well (Y/n). Anyway, back to the real reason I'm here. I'm here to apologize for a colleague of mine's son annoying you Akali. He couldn't come in person since he really felt ashamed. He's currently giving him a good talk down as we speak."

Akali: "Don't sweat it, it happens. We're famous and there are bound to be those kinds of fans. Good thing we had (Y/n) here to deal with him."

Caitlyn: "That's the other reason I came here tonight. You."

Caitlyn just turned to you and just eyed you.

Caitlyn: "You wouldn't happen to know about why about yesterday night around this time we came to respond to a call about a shootout at the dockyard? We arrived only to find dead gangsters and a warehouse full of shimmer."

You: "Are you going to arrest me and take me in for questioning?"

Vi: "Nope, Katarina pretty much told us the whole ordeal already. I just wanted to thank you personally. Ever since Silco has come to Earth he and some others from Runeterra have been stirring up trouble. So it's good that someone can finally put these assholes in their place. If you ever want to keep up the good work. I can send you a bounty list. Also I heard you had a scuffle with my sister."

You: "That was your sister? She's tougher than she looks. Also it's been a bit since I did merc work like that. I'll think about it. But thanks for the offer."

Caitlyn: "No problem. We should probably head home now. You all have a good night now."

You: "You too, nice meeting you two."

KDA: "Goodnight you two!"

You walk them both to the door and close it after they leave. You were about to head up stairs for the night till you heard Ahri say something.

Ahri: "You still haven't answered my question."

You: "Huh?"

Ahri: "Who would you choose as your bride?"

You: "Oh.... Hmmmm..."

You made a split second decision at the last minute and tried to run up the stairs as fast as you could.

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