Chapter 3- Charlie Romeo-1299

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(A/n: If you haven't figured it out yet. I am rewriting all of this book. So if you were a fan of the original. I'm sorry but it's not coming back.)

It had been a week since you've bunkered down in the abandoned warehouse. You've learned a bit about the "new" Earth you've landed on and what the current events were. But you were bored out of your mind and had no idea what to do. You were also running low on food and water.

You: "Shit CR, what the fuck are we going to do?"

CR: "May I suggest we relocate to a higher elevation in order to make contact with the Militia Fleet?"

You: "That sounds like a plan but we'd have to go under the cover of night. We barely have enough supplies to last us another week."

CR: "Then a supply run is needed to continue our mission."

You: "Well our mission is kinda fucked right now CR."

CR: "Nonsense Pilot. Protocol 2 Uphold the mission."

You: "I know buddy, I know. But now we have to figure out who we are going to-"


You quickly draw your wingman and turn towards the sound.

CR: "One life sign detected. Suggestion to apprehend the intruder."

You: "On it CR. I'll tell you if I need help."

CR: "Copy that pilot."

You quickly move from cover to cover. Scouting the area, you move closer to where the sound came from. You turn the corner to see a girl moving some things off a wall and dropping a bag on the ground. It made a rattling sound, she then reached into the bag and grabbed what looked to be spray paint. She started to spray the wall in front of her. As you moved to back off away from her you bumped into an empty glass bottle on the ground.

You: "Just great..."

You looked to where the girl was and you saw that she was gone.

You: "Where did you go?"

Akali: "Right behind you."

You swiftly turned around to see she was there. You tried to aim your wingman but were swiftly knocked off your feet. You recovered and made some distance between yourself and the girl. You aimed your wingman at her and noticed she looked familiar.

Akali: "Wait... I know you! You're that guy who saved Eve!"

You: "What? You're the pop idol. What the hell are you doing here?"

Akali: "I could ask you the same question mister mystery man."

You: "I uhh... Kinda live here."

Akali: "You're a homeless bum with a gun?"

You: "I guess you could say that. But I probably live over there."

You pointed in the direction of where CR is.

Akali: "Well I guess sorry dude, I was going to use this place as my new canvas."

You: "Feel free to, I'm probably not going to stay here any longer."

Akali: "Oh, well thanks then."

You: "Yeah, go crazy."

Akali: "Well see you around then."

You just nod to her and walk back towards CR.

CR: "Pilot, has the intruder been dealt with?"

You: "Yeah, I guess you could say that buddy. Now I think we should leave tonight then if we are too-"

Pilot, KDA Report (KDAxMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now