Chapter 7- The Family Gets Bigger

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After you break the hug with Valkyrie you turn back to eat whatever was left of the sushi. You then slide her some on a plate.

You: "Have you eaten anything yet sis?"

She takes her gum from her mouth and sticks it behind her ear before grabbing a pair of chopsticks and starts eating. She then looks up at the girls and turns back to you. They look at Valkyrie with an awkward look and just either play with their food or go on their phone.

Valkyrie: "So which one you fucking?"

You just snap your head to her with some embarrassment. The girls were surprised and also kinda embarrassed by the question.

You: "Hey! That's rude! I thought mom taught you better!"

Valkyrie: "I was just curious! You can't expect to disappear into another timeline with four beautiful girls and not want to fuck them!"

You smacked her on the top of her head. You looked at the girls and apologized to them.

You: "I'm sorry, I didn't know she would be like this. She was much nicer before the war. Sis at least say you're sorry."

Valkyrie awkwardly turns to the girls to apologize.

Valkyrie: "I'm... Sorry. I just haven't seen my little bro for a long time and I was just curious."

The girls smile and Ahri and Evelynn just giggle a bit. With the air a bit less tense they also break the ice.

Ahri: "It's alright sweetie! Feel free to keep eating! We can keep ordering stuff!"

Akali: "Yeah! So you're also from space!? That's cool! (Y/n)! Can you teach me to be a pilot too!?"

You: "I can let you into the training pod but actually piloting... I'll think about it."

Akali just slumps into her chair and kinda pouts.

Kai'sa: "Well I'm sure you're going to do fine Valkyrie. I'm sure (Y/n) is a great mentor and will do his best. Right love?"

Evelynn: "It's fine to be curious about him, little one. But to answer your question, I've only kissed him. I have yet to have him in my bed~. But we all share your little brother."

You: "Thank you Kai'sa. Evelynn, please not in front of my big sister."

Valkyrie just looked at you and the girls and just kept eating with a smug look on her face. Curious, she asks some questions to them.

Valkyrie: "So what do you four do for a living? This place looks kinda expensive so I'm guessing you're like actors or something."

Kai'sa: "Close! We're actually a pop idol group called KDA."

Valkyrie: "Oh that's cool. So you all sing and dance?"

Ahri: "That's right! I'm Ahri, the lead vocalist! Kai'sa is our lead dancer. Evelynn is a co-vocalist. And Akali is our rapper."

Valkyrie: "That's pretty cool, I'll check your stuff out then. So how did you meet my little bro?"

Evelynn: "Funny story actually. He saved my life during our last concert. Some crazed fan had gotten past security and was going to try and kill me. I was capable of defending myself but your uncle here dropped down and protected me. It was very romantic and heroic. Then we hired him as our personal bodyguard."

Valkyrie: "Huh, does sound like you, (Y/n). You were always one to jump in to save me from trouble. Also just saving everyone from trouble from what I heard from dad."

You: "Yeah, well you always got yourself into trouble. Remember when you stole your dad's titan? Even I couldn't help you from the wrath of your mother that day."

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