Chapter 11- Logistical needs

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You: "Gunslinger-1 on station, ready for the danger zone."

The girls and Gates were already on the dropship to try and catch up to you once you started flying.

You: "You ready CR?"

CR: "Ready pilot. Flightcore on standby."

You: "Hit it!"

CR: "Flightcore activated."

You punch the accelerator and you shoot up into the sky. You get a bit of air and you swerve around and back towards the ground.

Gate: "Hey (Y/n)? What are you doing?"

You: "Just a little tom foolery."

Air Traffic Control tower...

A couple of guys were just watching the radars and and some guy was watching the landing strip while sipping on his coffee. Next thing he sees is a vanguard class titan fly by at full speed. He panics for a bit and spills his coffee.

Air Traffic Controller: "What the hell!?!?"

Back in CR...

You: "WOOOOOOO! I've always wanted to do that!"

Gates: "I think you've had your fun and games, head back to the ship pilot."

You: "Yes ma'am!"

You catch up to the dropship and maintain your speed with it till you land. You make it to the ship and land CR in the titan bay and dismount.

You: "Alrighty CR, you rest up and I'll ask Gates to see if we can get a battery charger for the house."

CR: "Copy that pilot."

You walk off and meet the girls back in the room. Gates was still talking with them when you arrived. She just looked at you with her arms crossed.

Gates: "I got word from the tower below that some pilot unlawfully buzzed by."

You: "Hey, you should've never shown me Top Gun if you didn't want it to happen."

Gates: "What am I going to do with you?"

You: "I promise that's the only time I'm going to do it here on Harmony."

Kai'sa: "So you plan to do that back on Earth?"

You: "Maybe, if I didn't get shot down by Earth's military. If they can catch me!"

You just stood there with a smug look on your face while the girls didn't want to amuse you.

Gates: "Anyway we're on our way back now. If there's anything you need just let me know."

You: "Actually, I was wondering if I could get a battery charger for CR when I'm on Earth. She was barely getting by when I was MIA. That's why I didn't fly her as much as I could."

Gates: "I'm sure we can rig up one of the old chargers we have to take solar power. It'll take longer but it'll get the job done."

You: "Thanks Gates, you're a lifesaver."

Gates: "No problem (Y/n). Also feel free to restock in the armory if you feel the need."

You: "Sure, I'm sure we would need to pick something up for Valk. You girls want to come?"

Akali: "Hell yeah I want to see some space guns!"

Ahri: "I think me and Eve will stay here in the room. What about you Kai?"

Kai'sa: "Sure I'll tag along."

You and the rest of the girls walk to the armory and see one of your favorite people working it.

Pilot, KDA Report (KDAxMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now