Chapter 12- An place Other Wordly

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You were packing up your things for Yosemite. You've never been anywhere else besides the city and the surrounding area of LA for the past month you've been living with KDA. You were deciding to bring some normal clothes and for the worst case scenario your pilot gear and a couple of guns. The rest of the girls were already packed and were just chilling downstairs waiting for Katarina to arrive with the tour bus. Valkyrie was packed with her clothes, weapons, and gear, just in case. You just finished packing the last of your stuff when you heard a knock at your door.

You: "Yeah?"

Ahri opened the door and peeked her head in.

Ahri: "Hey (Y/n)! Katarina is here with the bus, we're also just going to get breakfast on the way there."

You: "Alright sounds good, let's get a move on."

You meet the rest of the girls downstairs as some staff help move their items underneath and onto the bus. Someone was about to take your stuff but you stopped them.

You: "Ah, don't worry about it. I'd rather handle my own gear on my own."

Staff: "Oh okay, no problem."

You were more worried about the fact they would have a hard time carrying a bag full of military grade weapons then actually seeing it was a bag full of military grade weapons. You loaded up your stuff on the bus and went to the backyard to go and see CR for a bit.

You: "Your back up batteries are all charged up and you should be good to go if anything happens. I'll request your aid if I need it and I know you'll come if I'm in some real big trouble. Take care CR, and watch the house for us. Keep me posted if anything strange pops up on your scanners."

CR: "Understood pilot, I will come to your aid ASAP. Enjoy your trip pilot."

You: "Thanks CR."

You walk back to the bus and get on it. The bus starts to move and you all start your journey to the north of California.

Kai'sa: "You sure CR will be okay by themselves and what not?"

You: "Kai, they'll be fine. I've been separated from CR like this before. It isn't anything new."

Ahri: "I know but I do feel kinda bad leaving them. It's like leaving behind a pet when they can't come."

You: "I guess so? If you count a 40 ton death machine as a pet."

Akali: "That would be a cool pet regardless!"

*Time Skip*

It took about 5 hours to reach the national park. You had some pit stops along the way to grab breakfast and lunch. But you made it to the nature park in the afternoon. It reminded you a bit of Harmony, the lush forest but the mountains and waterfalls and rivers were some of the things that amazed you the most about the park.

You: "Wow... It's amazing."

Valkyrie: "You're telling me, I haven't seen a place like this before in my life."

You: "Yeah, it's kinda otherworldly in it's own special way."

KDA just smiled as they looked at you and Valkyrie stared out of the windows in amazement of the scenery. You eventually stopped at the resort lodge of the park and there was a bit of a small crowd already formed outside the bus with fans.

You: "Well it's time for me to get out there and do my job."

Katarina: "Don't worry me and the other staff members will help you."

You: "Let the show begin."

You and the staff got out of the bus to make way for the girls. When a clear path was made you escorted the girls into the resort and you all went to the top of the lodge where the bigger and nicest rooms would be. You all had the biggest room where there was a main living space and 4 different rooms that could accommodate two people.

Pilot, KDA Report (KDAxMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now