Chapter 9- Harmony (18+)

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You: "I was born on a planet called Harmony, it's a beautiful planet. Lot's of forest and plains. My parents were both from there. My mother was a farmer's daughter. My dad was a cattle rancher. They didn't really know each other at the time. But when they were old enough they both went to pilot school for titans. That's where they fell in love. They graduated, served a bit of time in the IMC before they left the Frontier, and came back to Harmony to start a farm together. Then they had me, I lived on Harmony till I was about 17. I was sent to a pilot school. The same one I met your father in, Valkyrie. Then the war broke out. My parents were both contacted by Gates, my old commander. They wanted them in the 6-4, my parents hesitated at first but that's because of me. But they ended up joining, and they went into combat. I graduated just before the war struck and lived sometime on the farm we had on Harmony."

The girls were intrigued by your story and were really captivated. Valkyrie, Ahri, and Akali seemed to be the most interested in what you had to say.

You: "Then one day... I was working on the farm tending to the animals and what not, I was just 18 I think. A titan came to visit, I thought it was my parents but I didn't recognize the titan. Out came Gates with two helmets. She told me they were killed by some IMC mercenaries, Apex Predators. I just didn't know what to do. But before Gates left, I grabbed her arm and just told her to take me with her. She asked why, and I just said so I can kill the SOB who killed my parents. She was hesitant but she also felt responsible for my parents death, she also knew I could fight and she just lost two pilots. So I sold the farm and joined up with the 6-4."

You: "I was pretty banged up by a battle before the turning point of the war."

Valkyrie: "The Battle of Troy?"

You: "Yeah me and CR took quite the beating during that battle. I almost thought I lost CR. Then we came to the battle of Demeter. I was still in rehabilitation when we attacked. Then we all got word that we won the battle. But at a cost... My whole unit was killed in action... Save for me and some lucky rookie that managed to make it off-world. But my commander... Friends... And those who I considered my new family... Gone yet again... The price of war I guess... The price of freedom and peace..."

You pulled out your dog tags and just held them, rubbing your thumb on them.

You: "I buried every single one of them. Even before that I told them when this was all over, I would buy back the farm and they could visit anytime they wanted. When I was able to fight again we were already on our way to Typhon and the moon of Othros. That's where we finally beat the IMC, Jack Cooper hero the Militia alongside BT-7274 had killed most of the Apex Predators and sabotaged the Fold weapon from firing on Harmony. In the blast me and CR were knocked into a slipspace rupture sending us back in time and into a different universe it seems. That's when we met you all."

There was an awkward silence between you, KDA, and Valkyrie. Kai'sa got up from where she sat and sat in your lap giving you a hug. You hugged her back letting the tears from your eyes just fall. Your past ghosts and pains come back to haunt you again. The rest of KDA and Valkyrie came over and also gave you a hug. You opened your eyes to see CR looking in and giving you a thumbs up, but there was something else you couldn't believe. A ghostly visage of your parents both giving you a smile and a thumbs up. You blinked and they were gone.

Ahri: "It's going to be okay now (Y/n)."

Akali: "Yeah, don't worry sweetie. You're very brave and we're all very proud of you."

Evelynn: "If you want darling we can set you up with a proper therapist to help you with anything."

Valkyrie: "I'm sorry (Y/n), you lost more than I thought you did. I'm sorry I resented you for leaving and not helping my dad."

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