Chapter 5- Shopping Spree

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You stepped out of the car with the girls after you parked and looked at the huge building in front of you. You and the girls walked into the mall and you were amazed. It was bigger on the inside than the outside. About 4 floors and people of all kinds going to and from stores. You just watched as kids, adults, and teens just go about their day having fun and enjoying themselves. The girls caught up to you and Akali patted your back.

Akali: "Amazing isn't it! I mean we could've ordered everything online, but it's more fun to be in person to buy stuff!

You: "Yeah, I'm not going to lie. It does seem more fun like this."

Random person: "Hey! It's KDA!"

You and the girls then all looked ahead of you as people were coming in storming towards the girls. Your first instincts were to pull out your data knife and start fighting. But remembering that they're idols and not high ranking officers, you ought to tone it down a bit. You let the girls sign some autographs and take some pictures. You kept a close eye on people as they approached and made sure they weren't shady like from the concert. After a bit the crowd died down and people were just admiring the girls from a distance. Eventually you got to walk through the mall a bit.

Evelynn: "So (Y/n) each floor has specific stores and what not, it also gets a bit more expensive every floor you get up to. Lucky for you, we have full access to the 3rd and 4th where the nicer items are."

You: "Sounds good to me, you guys are the experts after all."

Ahri: "Perfect! Let's go girls!"

You went with the girls up the escalators. You had a feeling someone was staring at the back of your head. You turned around and looked at the other people on the escalator and the crowd below but didn't see anyone too suspicious. You got to the 3rd floor with the other girls and saw there were tech, furniture, and clothes stores. The girls first lead you to a tech store with an apple as the logo? Walking in, a guy in a blue shirt and khakis walks up to you.

Apple Employee: "Welcome back madams of KDA! Is there anything specific you need today?"

Evelynn: "We need the latest version of the Iphone and please add it to our data plan. Also a new pair of air pods"

Apple Employee: "Yes ma'am, we'll get that ready for you! Feel free to browse and ask our other employees if you have any questions."

He walked off as he went off to get the phone. You looked at the tech around you, the computers and tablets. To you this was mediocre stuff and kinda "old school". You walked up to one of the computers and got some idea in your head. You typed in IMC, Vinson Dynamics, and Hammond Robotics into a search bar. Nothing popped up. You typed in Titan and only found some stuff on Greek mythology and anime. You were glad that nothing has popped up yet this far in this Earth's timeline. Evelynn walked up to you and handed you a small datapad.

Evelynn: "Here, this is your phone. I've already added all of our numbers and Kat's. Also here are some air pods, they're bluetooth and that way you can listen to some music you may like."

You took the "phone" as you now knew it as and opened it up to see what she meant. It wasn't that difficult to navigate through the settings and what not. She then took the phone and turned on to what seemed to be a built-in camera.

Evelynn: "Smile darling."

You smiled as Eveylnn took a selfie of you and her. You looked at the picture and were quite pleased by it. You looked back up at Evelynn and just hugged her.

You: "Thanks Eve, this means a lot to me."

She was just shocked at first but embraced the hug and stood there for a bit.

Ahri: "Ahem!"

You turned to see the other girls and they were just standing there smiling at the scene before them. You felt that this was more of a sort of upset smile than a happy one.

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