Chapter 4- Welcoming Party

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(A/n: I edited this on my BREAK. And since I don't got much to do, I thought about just continuing to rewrite this. I might just dedicated a week to rewrite this story to get it out of the way.)

You went inside and were ready to go take a shower when Ahri stopped you for a second in the kitchen.

Ahri: "(Y/n)! How about some alcohol for tonight? Do you like soju?"

You turn to Ahri looking at the two green glass bottles in her hand. Both labeled as strawberry soju, you had no idea what it was since the only thing you drank alcohol related was either beer or whisky.

You: "Sure! I'd love to try some after I take a shower!"

Ahri: "Okay! This stuff is great, don't worry!"

You: "Alrighty, I trust your judgement!"

You went upstairs and you saw that it was quite big. You saw signs for each of the girls' rooms, not wanting to intrude on their privacy, you walked past them and opened one that was unlabeled. You opened the door and saw it was actually an empty bedroom with a bathroom.

You: "Huh, I guess this will be my room from now on."

You threw your stuff on the empty white bed and then closed the door. You then entered the bathroom and stripped down to just your underwear. You were always in the best physical shape you could be being very muscular and toned from years of training and working out. You looked at yourself in the mirror, grazing over all of the burn, bullet, and stab scars you had gotten over the years. You then remembered you had your dog tags hanging from your neck.

Evelynn: "My~ My~... Who knew you looked so good even without clothes~."

You then cover yourself as best you can with your hands and arms.

You: "What! What are you doing here!?"

Evelynn: "Well I was going to find you to let you know that everything is ready downstairs. But I might just have to start the party without the girls~. My you look handsome without that helmet on."

She starts looking at you up and down methodically while licking her lips. You then quickly close the bathroom door.

You: "Tell them I'll be down in like 20 minutes! Also please go back downstairs!"

Now embarrassed you turned on the shower and got in.

Evelynn: "Okay dear, I'll let the girls know. But don't take too long, mama's hungry now~."

You got done with her shower and put one your normal militia fatigues and your boots back on. You then just grabbed any random t-shirt you had that didn't smell or was covered in blood or sweat. You went back downstairs and saw that the girls had laid out pizza, burgers and fries, and some sushi. You walked to the table and it smelled so good, almost like heaven.

Kai'sa: "Oh you took your helmet off! Come one sit! Let's eat!"

You sat down and you didn't know where to start. The girls were amazed to see your features for the first time. Since you didn't take your helmet off the first time you met them. You were kinda freaked out with them staring at you but it couldn't be helped. Ahri then handed you a drink as they all sat down with you.

Ahri: "To our new bodyguard and intergalactic friend!"

Kai'sa/Akali/Eve/Ahri: "To (Y/n)!!!"

You: "To me!!!"

You and the girls began to eat the food. It had been so long since you had tasted anything like this. Pizza that actually tasted like pizza! Burgers that actually taste like beef! And sushi that had real fish! All of your time on the frontier food was usually an MRE or a close knock off using local planet ingredients. The Militia had to make do with what they had food wise. Ahri then handed you a red cup.

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