Chapter 13- Scandals in the making (18+)

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You woke up to the light peering in from the curtains that hit your face. You slowly got up but as you sat up you felt a weight around your waist. You look down to see a familiar fox cuddled against you. Ahri then woke up and smiled at you.

You: "When did you even sneak in here?"

Ahri: "I was cold and I came in here to warm up."

You: "Well you're lucky you're cute. I can't be mad at you."

You just kiss her on the forehead and get up. You go into your bathroom and start to take a shower. You assumed that Ahri had already left to go get ready in her room. As you were washing your hair you felt someone scrubbing your back. You freaked and turned around to see Ahri there naked in the shower with you.

You: "By the Allfather you scared the shit out of me! What are you doing here anyway? Don't you need to get ready?"

Ahri: "Yeah, but I thought I should just take a shower here since you already were. Why? You don't like what you see~?"

You looked down and saw that Ahri definitely had some assets to her like the rest of the girls. Her hips and ass were definitely an eye catcher.

You: "Damn... That waist line..."

Ahri: "Here let me help you wash up~."

Ahri got on her knees and started to jerk your cock. She then put it in her mouth and started to suck on it. You helped guide her and brought her down deeper on it. After a bit and when you were hard enough you picked her up and pinned her to the wall of the shower.

Ahri: "Ah~ Ravage me Pilot~."

You: "With pleasure."

You start slow but once you get the rhythm of it you get faster. You and Ahri both moaning hoping the sound of the shower would drown it out. You pump as much as you can into Ahri until you feel yourself get close. Right before you just pull out and Ahri gets on her knees and drinks it all up not to make a mess. Some gets on her face, she just wipes it off and licks it off of her fingers.

Ahri: "Hehe... Good thing we're already in the shower."

You: "Yeah, now let's actually get cleaned up."

You and Ahri were actually cleaning up now after your little steamy fun. As you were both washing each other you heard a knock at your bathroom door.

Valkyrie: "Hey when you're both done fucking in there breakfast is ready!"

You both blush as you both kinda forgot that the walls of some of the rooms were connected to each other. You both finish up and get dressed, Ahri just puts back on her pjs and heads to her room to get ready for the photo shoot. You just walk into the main area and see some pancakes, bacon, and eggs on the table. You sit down and start to eat when Evelynn says something.

Evelynn: "You know the first time was a mistake, now I just think you're doing it on purpose."

You: "Yeah... Ah sorry about that."

Akali: "Well it did sound like you and Ahri had a nice time! When will it be my turn~?"

You: "Ah... Please, not in front of Seraphine. I don't think she seems comfortable with the topic."

You turn to see Seraphine a blushing mess after hearing what you and Ahri did in the shower.

Seraphine: "No it's okay! It's a normal thing for couples to do! I just didn't know you were already at that stage with the girls."

Kai'sa: "Well with only me and Ahri. He has yet to do it with Akali and Evelynn."

Seraphine: "Really? I thought those two would be the first."

Kai'sa: "Actually I am! That makes Ahri second, now it's a race to see who'll get third."

Pilot, KDA Report (KDAxMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now