Chapter 2- Backstage Meet Up

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(A/n: For reference of what your Titan pilot suit looks like. Just us the picture for the book, otherwise you can actually decide for yourself what you want to look like. Enjoy the Show.)

As you were standing on the stage and after the security team took away the crazy knife guy you looked at the giant screen behind you and saw you were being broadcasted on it.

CR: "Pilot May I suggest that you leave the area?"

You: "On it CR."

Before you were able to leave you suddenly felt someone grab your arms and raise it up. You see that the women whose name was Evelynn raise it up.

Evelynn: "Let's give it up for our hero of tonight who just saved my life!"

The whole stadium arena erupted in cheers and screams for you. You turned back to Evelynn as she dropped your arm. You went to say something but was cut off by her.

Evelynn: "For saving my life, and saving this concert from tragedy we are inviting you backstage to meet us and allowing you to spend the 3 days with us!"

You: "Ummm.... What?"

Evelynn: "You heard me darling, now what is your name?"

You hesitated for a moment but said your name.

You: "(Y/n)... (Y/n) (L/n)..."

Evelynn: "Let's give it up for (Y/n)!!!!"

The crowd cheered and roared again. As you were being led off stage the other girls gave you waves and smiles. You were then taken off stage and put in their personal waiting room. There a woman and a security guard entered. The woman was in her mid 20's while you were still in your early 20's.

Katarina: "Thank you so much for saving Evelynn. I'm Katarina, their manager from Riot Records. You did some heroic stuff man. As thanks I'm allowing the request that Evelynn said on stage and you have the gratitude of the whole KDA staff here tonight."

You: "No problem, I only did what was right. Actually I wanted to talk about the whole reward for saving her. I was wondering if instead of meeting and hanging out with them I could get maybe some money and I'll just be on my way."

Katarina: "Are you sure? I mean we can still give you the money but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that people as you can see would die for."

You: "I'm sure, can you make sure that the payment is in cash. I don't have a bank account or anything yet."

Katarina: "Sure we can do that, let me just send someone to take me to an atm and I'll be right back. How much would you say you need?"

You: "Well usually for simple protection work like that I charge $5000 per person. But since it was only one person, $5000 will do."

Katarina: "Hmmm.... Alright, I'll come back with the money. But I'll have another option on the table as well for you. Sit tight."

You nodded and then Katarina and the bodyguard left the waiting room. You looked around and saw that it was pretty nice looking. They had vanities with mirrors and make up. A small wardrobe of clothes. A small Tv and a mini fridge. You decided to sit down and talk to CR.

You: "CR, can you somehow get to me? We need to leave immediately once I get this cash."

CR: "I'm on route to your position but there might be a problem with me getting spotted, so I will take the most stealthy route. So it may take a while."

You: "Just get here as fast as you can. We can't draw any more attention to ourselves."

CR: "Unsterstood Pilot."

Pilot, KDA Report (KDAxMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now