Chapter 102

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I rushed her to Raven. Her knees were unsteady, causing her to fall onto the ground. I helped her up with my empty arm. Melody's screams ended.

"Are you alright? Is she-?" I asked her.

"She's gone. I gave her a chance, and she didn't take it. I couldn't let her hurt my friends anymore." Raven said.

"I know, it's okay." I said.

I looked over to Bayne. He was still in wolf form, and unconscious.

"What did she do to him? Is he-."

"He's alive. She put a sleeping hex on him again like before."

"We can fix that. I'm just glad both of you are okay." I said.

The end of the fighting didn't feel real. Perhaps it wasn't just then. Bree was gone. She could not hurt anyone I cared about.

I wrapped Melody up and set her down safely.

I called my father, and let him know the incidents of the event. The few wolves that were at the lodge helped us carry Bayne down to Romulus's healing room.

Raven began brewing the potion to wake Bayne up.

"Give me a piece of your hair." Raven said.

"Raven, you're too weak to brew the potion right now." I said.

"I'm not. Just give me your hair." She said, shaking her head.

"No. I'll do it." I told her.

Her eyes were droopy. She needed to rest. I couldn't imagine the physical and emotional exhaustion she had just experienced.

"What spell did I shoot at you?" I asked her.

"It was just a stun spell. I'm alright now."

She walked me through the careful instructions of brewing the potion. I added the ingredients and made it carefully.

Once it was done, I poured it into Bayne's large mouth. He began to shrink down into his human form. I covered his lower half up with a blanket as he began to turn back.

He rolled over to his side. He looked as amazing as he did when I first saw him.

"What happened? Where's Bree?" Bayne said.

"She's gone. You and Erin do not have to worry about her anymore. Your free to lives you want to live now." Raven said.

"Thank you, Raven." Bayne said.

There was a gush, and the wooden door creaked open.

The vampire, witch, and fairy entered the lodge, uninvited.

I rushed over to them.

"Can I help you?" I said.

"We tracked that Bree was here. We are here to remove her and bring her to justice."

"That won't be necessary." Raven came out.

"Ah, yes. Raven Garcia. Can you return the book you borrowed?" The vampire said, he held out his hand.

Raven brought the book out and handed it to him.

"Now, where is Bree?" The fairy said.

"She's not here. Your spells must be off." Bayne rushed out in a pair of shorts.

"My spells are never off. Tell me where she is." The witch said.

"It's alright, guys." Raven said to us.

"She's upstairs. She broke in. Tried to hurt my friends. I used a forbidden spell and I... I killed her." Raven announced.

They didn't say anything. They marched upstairs to see if her words were true.

"Raven! They could kill you!" Bayne said.

"I did what I had to do. She had to be stopped." Raven raised her head high.

They came back down.

"Raven Garcia. You have unjustly murdered Bree Rowen... For that, you must pay." The witch said.

"Unjust? UNJUST?" I said.

"Erin, don't." Raven said with her head down.

"No. It wasn't unjust. This witch TORTURED Bayne for months, years, even. She sent a VAMPIRE to MIND CONTROL him. She possessed him with a literal DEMON and she tried to take our BABY. You've been hunting her for almost a year and got absolutely nowhere. Maybe it wouldn't have happened if you bothered showing up here faster." I went off on them.

The witch crinkled her nose at me.

"I always knew you were a problem, son of Ulrich."

"I don't care if you think I'm a problem. Raven is innocent here. Bree came to kill us and take our baby. So you do not get to stand there and tell me what she did was wrong."

"Remember, you live in OUR world. We decide what lives and dies in it." The witch said.

"We've faced monsters much scarier than you. I have no fear." I said.

"You know, perhaps Raven did us a favor." The fairy spoke up.

"What? A FAVOR?" The witch roared at him.

"Yes. Bree is gone. Isn't that what matters here? We didn't come here to threaten this pack." The fairy explained.

"It's unjust. We decide what stays and what goes." The witch argued.

"Raven Garcia has done nothing but good things. In fact, she is one of us." The vampire spoke up.

"Yes. She has agreed to work with us. And you cannot kill another member of the Creature Council of Canada. Those are the rules." The fairy explained.

The witch reminded me a of a steamy chimney.

"Fine. Take her. I'm leaving." With a puff of smoke, the witch left, defeated.

The day light began to break in through the windows.

"Now, give us the spell book. Come with us. Your training begins soon." The fairy said.

Raven did as they commanded. She brought back the book and handed it to the fairy.

"Perfect. It's time to go." The fairy opened a shimmery like portal in the middle of the lodge.

"Does she have to leave right now?"

"Yes. It's time." The vampire said.

I gave Raven a tight hug. Bayne joined in.

"Thank you, Raven." He said.

"Be good, Baynie Babie." She said.

"I can't believe your leaving." I said.

"Don't worry, it's not forever. I have a wedding to attend soon." We pulled apart.

We watched her follow the vampire and the witch into the shimmery portal. Once they all went in, it faded away.

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