Chapter 103

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Nadine came homes few days later. The C.C.C. brought Bree's body back with them. Bayne and I repaired the nursery so it would be suited for the babies.

Ulrich came home before, ensuring the lodge was in one piece. I filled him in about Bree, along with Romulus. From there, the rest of the pack knew. The witch hunt was over. Raven had fulfilled my promise.

"He's so precious. He has your eyes."

"And your dad's forehead." Nadine said.

We stood over the tiny baby. He was smaller than Melody.

"The doctor said he came a bit early, but he's in good health."

"Did you decide on a name?" I asked her.

She picked up the small baby and held him in her arms. His eyes were closed.

"Sebastian. Bash for short. Sebastian Lee Tesla." She said with a wide smile.

"That's adorable."

"Thank you. We don't see any fur or claws yet, that's a good sign."

Ulrich came in to join us.

"Where's Melody?" He asked.

"Bayne has her. Here, Erin. Hold your little brother."

Nadine set him into my arms. His body was so small. I was an only child for my entire life, I'd have to get used to being a big brother. My dad didn't know how to be a father, I guess we'd all be learning together.

I rocked the little boy in my arms slowly.

"So have you and Bayne made any wedding preparations?" Nadine asked.

"Everything's been so crazy the past.. Well, forever. But we want to do it soon. And, dad. There's someone we think should be there." I looked at my dad. He knew exactly what I meant.

"Erin, I don't know." His eyes dropped to the floor.

"Well, I do."

He was reluctant, but I managed to get him in the car the next day. We drove down to Washington, into the small town I had grew up in. We drove through the lower middle class neighborhood which consisted of single story homes and children playing in the spring rain puddles. It felt unreal returning. I still knew the color of every house on the block.

My dad sat in the passenger seat. He clenched his seatbelt.

"Is my driving that terrifying?" I asked him.

"Erin, she hasn't seen me in twenty years. I don't think this is a good idea." He said.

I pulled to a side street and parked.

"Dad, she'd want us in her life. She'd want you in her life. I know it'll be hard, but it'll be worth it in the end."

He took a hard gulp as if he were swallowing a stone. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out. My dad followed my lead. He wiped his sweaty hands on the chest of his shirt.

We walked to the corner house. It was small and cream colored. Outside a middle aged woman was on her knees. She was digging the weeds out of her garden and planting seeds for the upcoming season. She wore her sun hat as she always did. Memories of my childhood washed over me.

"Aunt Katie?" I tapped on her shoulder.

She turned and jumped. She dropped her garden shovel and handfull of weeds and hugged me with her gloved hands.

"Erin! Oh, I've missed you so much! I've wanted to call you, but Jerry didn't think it was best..." She squeezed me as her voice trailed off.

"Where is uncle Jerry?" I asked.

She let out a sigh.

"We're getting a divorce. I'm sorry, I should've told you. I should've reached out but it never felt right. I'm sorry, I've missed you so much." She said.

She pulled back and released me.

"Pardon me, touching you with my dirty gloves." She peeled her gardening gloves off her hands and dropped them on the ground. The familiar face behind me caught the corner of her eye.

"Wait. Wait. No. No? Kaden? Is-is that you?" She stammered. She walked closer and examined him.

"Hey, Katie." He said.

Her eyes immediately swelled up with tears. She put her hand to her chest as if she was preparing for a heart attack.

"I. I don't understand you can't be here you. You died. The fire, you and Mel-." She breathed heavily.

"I survived. I was so ashamed of myself, so I hid. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for ever leaving you."

The hug she wrapped him in was tighter. He slowly put his big arms around her.

"I thought about you every single day for twenty years." She said through her tears.

"Me too. Me too."

"Erin, what have you been up to this past year? You found your father! You have to tell me everything. EVERYTHING! How did you find him? Where did you find him? Is there anything else I should know about?"

"Well, nothing else too big."

"Erin is getting married, we'd love for you to be there." My dad announced.

"You're engaged! Oh, Erin. Both of you, come in and catch me up before you give me a heart attack. I'll make tea. And I'm not letting either of you run off on me ever again!"

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