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Some people say life is like a box of chocolates.

Some people say life give you lemons.

BUT some people say life is hard. Boy, are they right.

Everyone I know has their issues. Their daddy or mommy issues. Or, heck, even just issues in general.

There are some things in life that could hurt someone mentally: Seeing a loved one die, Divorce, a fictional characters death, being betrayed.

For me, it's all of the above.

1: Seeing a loved one die.
You don't know how many times I had witnessed the death of my friends. Lady Sif joked and said I'm a curse to my friends.

I don't take it as a joke. That's why I never really invested my time into the Avengers. I didnt want to see Morgan, Brooke, Barry, and Lila get hurt.

2: Divorce
You might know my dad, Thor: Pretty good looking, a god that came onto New Mexico 13 years ago. The god of Thunder.

Then my mom: Jane Foster. She won a Nobel peace prize for science stuff. That's it.

I guess she couldn't keep her first prize.


She told my dad I was too much.

I mean a Demi god is probably a lot to take care of. But I didn't care.

Why should I?

So my dad took me and raised me in Asgard and they kind of broke up. So not a divorce cause they weren't married but still.

Now I never see her.

3: death of a fictional character
Read the Hunger Games

4: being betrayed
I should have seen it coming.

My uncle, Loki had always been the God of Mischief. But none of us saw it. None of us planned of him betraying us.

Why would we?

We thought he was a caring brother. But that was a hunk of bullshit.

Well, we all know their story. But what about me?

Who am I?

Why do I sound so damn cool?

Well. This is the story of me.

This is the story of Tera Thorsdottir.

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