𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 1

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Not Tera's favorite place to be, but it was certainly decent. Sif, the Warriors 3, Thor, and Tera were fighting in battle. They all fought bravely, while Tera and Thor were in a little fight of their own.

"I've got this completely under control!" Tera yelled at her father.

"Is that why everything is on fire?" Thor asked. She caught an arrow that was aimed at Thor with her hands.

"You're welcome. Fatherus." Tera smiled.

Thor rolled his eyes. "You need to stop hanging around Brooklyn." He turned to the kronan that was growling at him. "I accept your surrender."

The soldier laughed. Thor swung his hammer and crushed the Kronan. "Anyone else?" He asked.

"Perhaps next time we should start with the big one." Fandral offered.

"Keep moving. Come on! Keep moving. Go ahead of me. Don't you turn around!" The guard commanded.

"Where do we go next?" Hogun questioned.

"Hogun, the peace is nearly won across the Nine Realms. You should stay here. Be with your people, where your heart is. Asgard can wait." Thor answered.

"You have my thanks." Hogun said.

"As you have mine. Heimdall, when you're ready." Thor said.

After the fight, they got to Asgard. Thor didn't look very happy, but Tera was. She enjoyed the fight and being in charge for a little bit before her father came.

"Is Vanaheim secure?" Odin asked.

"As are Nornheim and Ria. Though our work would have gone more quickly with you at the fore." Thor said.

"You must think I'm a piece of bread that needs to be buttered so heavily." Odin said. Tera chuckled.

"Do you find my metaphor funny?" Odin asked her.

"No. Grandfather. My apologies." She said.

"That was not her intent." Thor spoke for her.

"For the first time since the Bifrost was destroyed, the Nine Realms are at peace. They're well reminded of our strength and you have earned their respect and my gratitude."

"Thank you."

"Nothing out of order except your confused and distracted heart." Tera knew well what Odin meant. Her mother.

The woman who left her to her poor father. Half the time Thor wasn't even responsible enough to take care of her. Frigga took care of her the first couple years. Then, Thor decided to take care of her.

"This isn't about Jane Foster, Father." Thor said.

Tera hated hearing her mothers name.

Jane Foster.

Foster care.

That's where Jane Foster would have taken her. To Foster care. (Omg Tera no!)

"Human lives are fleeting, they are nothing. You'd be better served by what lies in front of you." Odin said. He gestured to Lady Sif. "I'm telling you this not as the all-father but as your father. You are ready. The time has come for you to take the throne. Embrace and celebrate what you've won. Join your warriors. Eat and drink, revel in their celebration. At least pretend to enjoy yourself."

Even though he wasn't talking to her, Tera nodded and ran to the group. Lady Sif grabbed hand and brought her over. "Hello darling." She said.

"Hello!" Lady Sif was like a sister figure to her. "I'm glad we won the fight."

"I am too."

"It was one hell of a fight for sure." Fandral said happily. They were definitely happy it was over.

As they celebrated, Thor watched the others enjoy themselves. It was obvious his heart wasn't in it. He walked over to the balcony where Tera sat down.

"There was a time you would celebrate for weeks father. What happened?" She asked.

"I remember you celebrated the battle of Haragon so much that you nearly started a second with Lady Sif." He said.

"Well, the first was so much fun." They both smiled. Talk about like-father, like-daughter.

"Take a drink with Sif and me. Surely Grandfather could have no further task for you tonight."

"No, this is one I set myself." He said.

"It has not gone unnoticed that you disappear each night. There are Nine Realms. Future king of Asgard must focus on more than one." She told her father.

"I thank you for your sword and for your counsel my dear daughter." Thor thanked his daughter. He then turned and walked off.

A/n: hey! Sorry this chapter was so short

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A/n: hey! Sorry this chapter was so short...I just didn't have very many ideas but I'm sure it'll get better!

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