𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 14

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Her eyes opened.

She turned to see her uncle still unconscious. She turned to her other side, but no father. She got up and looked around. Where was she?

Suddenly, she heard a voice coming from somewhere. But where?

"Hello, child. I'm glad you're awake. Someone wake up the tall, goth teen please?" The man asked. A guard like figure came and kicked Loki, making him wake up.

"What in the Odin's dead beard?" He sort of cursed, his voice groggy. He looked around. "Did you kick me?" He asked Tera. She shook her head and pointed to the guard.

Before she knew it, her and Loki were being taken to this man's palace. They both looked at the man. He was quite odd to say the least.

"Welcome. New comers. It's a pleasure to meet you. Honestly. It is. Tera, your work is fantastic. And that armor with that cape? Oh honey, yes."

Tera smiled at the compliment. "Love the golden robe." She said.

"I know, I do too." He then turned to Loki. "And you! With the green and black, what are you? Green beans?"

"I am Loki, God of Mischief. Not a green bean." Loki said the last part like he was offended. "Who are you?"

Now the man looked offended. "I am the Grandmaster. Also the leader of Sakkar." He said.

"Is that what this place is? Its a shit hole." Tera said.

"Woah. Hey! We don't use that talk! It's a magnificent place."

"Are those slaves?" Tera asked, pointing to a group of girls who were cleaning his throne.

"No! Well, technically yes. But no! They are prisoners with jobs." He said. Tera still didn't like it. "Here's the deal. You two look like you like to party. Am I wrong?"

Tera quickly spoke. "You're right! I love dancing parties and stuff like that! But, Loki here likes pity parties."

"Hey!" Loki said, offended.

"Ah. Well we are going to have a big party. Can't wait to see you two there!"

"He's wonderful." He then paused. "It's a he right?" He asked. "He looks like another person we had earlier."

"It's a he." The girl confirmed.

"Yeah. I love when you come to visit 142, you bring me the best stuff." He then turned to Topaz. "Whenever we get to talking, Topaz, about Scrapper 142...what do I always say? "She is the..." and it starts with a B."


"No, not trash. Were you waiting just to call her that? It doesn't start with a "B.""

"Booze hag."

"I'm so sorry. No, "best." I was thinking about "best."" He then turned to the other girl. "Because I always say you're the best. She brought me my precious beloved Champion, you know."

"You say that every time she's here."

"What have you brought today? Tell me."

"A contender." She said.

"A what?" Thor asked, confused.

"I need to go closer. I want a closer look at this. Can you take us closer? Thank you." He then advanced on Thor. Examining him, closely and strangely. "Pay this lady." He said.

"Just wait a damn minute. I'm not for sale." Thor said. Using all his might, he broke out of the shackles  but he got zapped again.

"Man. He is a fighter."

"I'd take 10 million." The female said.

"Tell her she's dreaming." Topaz demanded.

"For heaven's sake, transfer the units!" He said, annoyed.

"You'll pay for this!" Thor yelled.

"No, I got paid for this." The girl said slyly. Thor clawed at his obedience disk, trying to rip it out.

He got some separation from the skin, but the disk was causing him even more pain. So he let go. The man held up a device and used it like a wand to guide Thor's hover chair, which followed him around as he spoke.

"Here's what I wanna know. Who are you?" He asked.

"I am the God of THUNDER!!!" Thor yelled. The man chuckled. Thor thrusted his arms into the air but only a tiny bit of static electricity popped within Thor's hands.

"Wow. I didn't hear any thunder, but out of your fingers, was that like...sparkles? Anyways, I've heard of Tera, Goddess of Thunder. Are you like her?"

Thor was about to answer when Topaz walked in. "We located your cousin." She said.

"Oh good!" He then turned to Thor. "Yeah, come on. I think you're gonna love this." He then moved Thor's chair to another section where his cousin was waiting. The cousin was strapped to a chair, terrified. "There he is. Hey, cuz. We almost couldn't find you. What, have you been hiding?"

The cousin looked at Thor, cowering in fear. "Hi." Thor greeted. He only weeped further.

"So..." the Grandmaster started.

"Please. I'm sorry." His cousin apologized.

"Carlo... I pardon you."

"Thank you. Thank you."

"You're officially pardoned...from life." He then causally took Topaz's Sakaarian Guard staff and jabbed it into his cousin's mid section.

This caused all of his flesh to melt off his skeleton. His cousin shrieked in pain before his vocal cords melted. Thor looked on, in shock. "Oh, my god!" Thor screamed in horror. The liquid cousin spreader toward the Grandmaster.

"I'm stepping in it. I'm stepping in it. Look out!" The grandmaster cried.

"Oh, the smell." Thor said, repulsed.

"What does it smell like?" The grandmaster asked.

"Burnt Toast." Topaz replied.

"What happened to my manners? I haven't properly introduced myself. Come on. Follow me." He then have the staff back to Topaz.

He then turned around and spoke to Thor. "My name is Grandmaster. I preside over a little harlequinade called the Contest of Champions. People come from far and wide to unwillingly participate in it. And you, my friend, might just be part of the new cast. What do you say to that?"

"We're not friends, and I don't give a shit about your games! I'm going back to Asgard!" Thor said.

"Ass-guard?" The Grandmaster asked. He then, oddly started to play piano.

Thor sighed. He took a moment to look around at the bizarre spectacle unfolding around him. I'm doing so, he zeroed in on one particular group of vips. He looked and saw Loki and Tera. They were lounging and dressed in Sakaarian garb.

"There was a wormhole in space and time beneath me. At that moment, I let go." Loki said.

"Loki!" "Tera!"

A/n: y'all I apologize for the extremely slow updates. I'm trying to get back to my daily schedule.

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