New Mission

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The Twins went up and packed to head to the mansion, while their parents packed for their mission.

As they did, though, a thought kept coming back to Nikki. A thought that was quickly growing into a plan. It was weighing to heavily on her mind that she had completely stopped packing and was just standing there, seemingly staring off into nothing.

Soon, Jamie noticed this.

"You good, sis?" He asked her.

At first, Nikki didn't respond. Too deep in thought. However, she did respond to Jamie poking her arm.

"Oop, there she is."

"Sorry, I was thinking about something." She replied.

"Sure looked like it. What was it?"

Before answering him, the blonde teen walked to the door of their room and closed it. This confused her brother.

"I gave Mom the list of names I found," She finally said, "the one I showed to you and Shaun."

"Oh, well that's good." Jamie replied positively.

"Yeah...but there's more."

As soon as Nikki said that, a weary feeling came to Jamie. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Nikki reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a small slip of paper about the width of a ruler and showed it to Jamie. Taking it, he could see what it was right away. A name from the list...which had been ripped off of a bigger sheet of paper. The one Nikki had earlier.

"Wait," Jamie said, his mood shifting to suspicious, "Is this from-"

"Yes." Nikki cut him off, already knowing what he would ask.

"The one you-"


Damn twin powers.

"Nikki, why do you still have this?" Her brother asked, his tone going a bit higher. Nikki could tell he was getting cranky.

"Promise you won't get mad or tell Mom and Dad?"

Jamie was getting so heated, he spoke through his teeth. "Tell me first before I answer either of those."

"You see the name and address on there?"

She nodded to the paper in his hand. Jamie took a moment before looking at it and seeing the name and address in question. It was a Baltimore address, and it was the residence of an 'Isaiah Bradley'.

"Yeah, what about it?" Jamie asked, looking back up at her.

"That was the last address on that list and that person hasn't been recruited yet." Nikki explained. She paused momentarily to gauge her brother's reaction, and it was obvious he was waiting.

"...okay, and? I know there's more!" Having a smart-ish brain and knowing his sister all to well, Jamie pushed as he felt he knew what was coming.

Here's where it was either going to hit the fan or...well, there really wasn't much of an or here. All Nikki could do was hope for the best - whatever that was.

She took a breath and winced before saying, "...I'm going to Baltimore to warn Mr. Bradley about Mace."

Boom. There it was. And just like that, Jamie went into a frenzy of worried brother and bugged sibling.

"Nikki, didn't you just get chewed out by Mom about this exact same thing?"

The blonde teen didn't reply right away. Rather, she bobbed her head and shrugged. "Yes...and no."

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