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***Baltimore Train Station***

The teens had ran and ran as fast as they could. Along the way, they had caught a bus and rode all the way to the train station.

Running inside, they made their way through the sea of people within and headed for the train information board. Hopefully, they could find a train that was headed for home and get the hell out of dodge before Mace's men caught up with them. Sure they knew where they lived, but if they tried to raid the mansion, the three would have the backup of their Avengers family.

"There!" Jamie said, pointing to the line which read [No. 71 NEW YORK - DEPARTING].

"Come on, we gotta catch it!" Shaun exclaimed.

But just before they could run...

[BANG x2]

Two shots from a gun filled the air, causing the swarm of people to cry out in surprise and fear and duck down.

Whereas the three teens barely ducked and looked behind them where the shots came from. Just as they had feared, they saw the familiar metal arms and menacing faces of Mace's henchmen. They aimed their guns at the kids and fired, but the bullets were stopped by none other than Jamie. He jumped up and held up his arm which had a metal gauntlet on it. But from it sprung a Captain America-themed energy shield which stopped the bullets and sent them to the ground.

This surprised both the baddies and Jamie. This wasn't the first time he had used it, but it was his first time in the field with it.. and it was...

"Awesome!" He exclaimed in excitement.

"Bro, you've got an energy shield?!" Shaun asked, completely surprised at it.

"Yeah! Pretty cool, right?"

That was all they could say before the shots resumed and the bad guys walked closer.

"Come on!" Nikki called, taking off further into the station.

"GO, GO, GO!!!" Jamie ordered them both.

And they all ran out onto the platforms of the station where the trains were. Looking around frantically, they searched for their train.

"There it is!" Nikki said, pointing to a train that was leaving. On it was the number #71.

They began to run after it as fast as they could. The only problem was that Shaun, though pretty fast wasn't as fast as Jamie and Nikki.

Seeing this made Jamie halt.

"You guys go on, I'll try and hold them off." He said to them.

"Bro, what?! We're not gonna leave you." Shaun replied.

"Just go! I'll catch up."

Though uncertain about leaving her brother, Nikki reluctantly nodded. "You be careful or I'll kick your a**."

Jamie snorted at this. "Yeah, after mom and dad kick both of ours first."

Nikki scoffed at that before taking off with Shaun close behind. As they left, Jamie turned to the threat behind him.

Four baddies stood there, all ready to rumble. Fortunately, so was Jamie.

"I suggest you come with us quietly, red." One of them said.

Jamie scoffed at that. "Sorry, but I'm gonna have to pass on that."

Then they attacked. First one with a swift punch that Jamie easily avoided, then another with a roundhouse kick. But Jamie blocked it and pushed them away with his shield.

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