Chapter 3 [Updated version]

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I chose not to type Chapter 1 to 4 because Otakugirl495 had already shared it for you guys. But in the updated version, there are more dialogues. You can read and compare it yourself. As this is one of with the most changes from the original scene, I thought I wanted to upload it here. Happy reading!


After Masaya leaves the room, I leave the magazines and head to the closet.

From amongst the clothes Miki had chosen for me, I find a dress that would go along with beach sandals and, putting on a pair of aqua blue sandals, I head down to the beach.

(There he is...)

There is a beach chair prepared under a large parasol.

For some reason, nearby, a tent has been pitched.

With his elbows on the sunlit table, and his back facing me, Masaya somewhat appears bored. I slowly approach him.

Staff "...!"

The hotel staff notices me and attempts to say something.

I press my finger to my lips and stop him.

The staff notices immediately and smiles as they gave me a small nod.

Masaya "What's the matter?"

Staff "It's nothing, sir."

Masaya "Hm! I guess I'll sleep."

Kana "You're already going to sleep? I just got here."

Masaya jumps and turns around with a happy look on his face. However, he quickly drops his smile and turns his gaze to the sea.

Masaya "So you felt like coming down, then?"

Kana "Yes, when I was alone, I suddenly grew bored."

Masaya "Sawamura, you noticed Kana coming, didn't you?"

Staff "My apologies."

Kana "I stopped him from telling you."

Masaya "I thought as much."

He casts me a glance and a slight smile forms on his lips.

The expression on Masaya's face causes a stirring in my chest.

Masaya "Anyway, change your outfit."

Kana "Huh? I'm fine like this..."

Masaya "I prepared a swimsuit for you."

(Sheesh. He really doesn't listen to other people at all, does he?)

Masaya "There are several of them. Put on whatever suit you fancy."

Kana "Thank you."

Masaya "Oh, and you better not wear that dress over your swimsuit, all right?"

Kana "Why not?"

Masaya "Isn't it obvious? I want to see you in the swimsuit, Kana"

Kana "...?!"

(He's making me even more self-conscious and embarrassed by saying things like that...!)

Masaya "Is it just my imagination that your face is bright red? Or ..."

Kana "It's just your imagination!"

Masaya "Heh! If you say so"

(Like he believes that at all... Could I be any more obvious? I really need to work on my poker face)

(My note: LOL SIS)

I try my best to keep my cool before replying.

Kana "Well, anyway, where should I change?"

Masaya "It's all prepared in that tent over there."

As if on cue to Masaya's words, several staff members emerge from inside the tent, and open the entrance wide for me. I timidly enter inside.

(My note: Ok, but why tent? I expected a resort to have a luxury changing room or some grand toilet/washrooms. Why a tent, though?)

Entering the tent, I am surprised by its magnificence of its interior... and then... I am further surprised by how risqué the swimsuits are.

Kana "I'm supposed to wear one of these? The designs are beautiful ... but I'm not sure I have enough confidence to tackle something so daring..."

(But if I don't change, what'll everyone think?)

(I guess given the circumstances, I might as well choose the boldest design here. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, right? So let's be a little adventurous.)

Although, I may have been overzealous in my decision, because embarrassing is embarrassing no matter how you dress it up.

Just changing into one bathing suit has taken me a good amount of time.

Kana "I'm sorry to keep you waiting..."

Masaya "You took your time. It's just a bathing suit. How long do you-"

I shyly emerge from the tent and respond with a strained smile to the compliments the staff shower me with.

(The design is so cute... but does it really suit me?)

I am anxious to hear Masaya's opinion, but the opinion I most care about doesn't come. I timidly raise my face.

Masaya stares at me, completely unmoving.

Kana "Um..."

Suddenly, Masaya averts his gaze. Furrowing his eyebrows, he places his hand to his lips.

(He isn't saying anything. He mustn't like it on me.)

(My note: Girl, get a clue. Ugh, haha)

I feel my entire body flush red. In my embarrassment, I hurriedly face the other way.

Kana "I'll go change."

Masaya "Why?"

Kana "This is just...too...much for me. Besides, it doesn't suit me."

Masaya "Nobody said that at all"

Kana "Well, yeah, no one has said anything, but the fact you wouldn't look at me pretty much sums it up."

Masaya "How about looking at it like this? I had planned on laughing and teasing you. But it suits you so well that it's rendered me incapable of doing that."

Kana "Huh?"

Masaya "If I looked any longer into your eyes, I feared I wouldn't be able to look away...and would fall madly in love with you. Could that be the reason why I had looked away?"

With these words, I seem to be able to finally comprehend the unnatural way in which he had been acting. I feel my pulse immediately begin to quicken.

Kana "Please say it properly...instead of having me guess. Let me hear your words, Masaya."

Masaya "You're annoying me... I've never been like this in front of a woman before. And yet, right now, I feel highly uneasy. I'm not certain about my feelings anymore."

Kana "Does that mean...?"

Masaya finally glances in my direction, confirming my suspicions as blissful fact.

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