Chapter 9.6

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Throughout my life, these were two emotions I'd never thought I would experience.

The emotion to love someone and the emotion to regret a decision I had made.

Kana's father "Please build a magnificent resort."

As someone managing the project, no mistakes have been made.

Yet was this the right decision?

Seeing Kana acting courageously, I begin to doubt myself.

Kana "I will see you downstairs."

Masaya "Here is fine."

Kana "Please allow me."

Masaya "Alright..."

Having finished my contract, I bow deeply to Kana's parents.

Not as Todo Resort's president, but as the idiot who had hurt their one and only daughter.


Masaya "See you."

Kana "Leave, please."

I've discovered a side of me that is submissive to someone that I love. I have become privy to this fact, having fallen in love with Kana.

What I can do for the one I love is not to embrace her, but to leave her sight as soon as I can.

Masaya "At least send me off..."

Right before I get onto the limousine, I turn around and see Kana crying as she runs off.

I watch her back until she enters the pension and then I open the entrance to my own world.


The moment I close the limousine door, my vision suddenly blurs.

Without even time for confusion, the view before me begins to smudge.

Masaya "What is this...?"

I touch my cheek.

It's the same thing that was flowing from Kana's eyes.

Masaya "This is impossible...Do something about this, Kisaragi."

Kisaragi "Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it. All I can do is pretend I didn't see them."

Masaya "How long will it take to return to the company...?"

Kisaragi "How long do you want it to take?"

(My note: Kisaragi...Your simple response broke my heart, you know?)

Masaya "Drive as safely as you can."

Kisaragi "I understand."

The tears flow, one after the other.

It causes my chest to tighten and my breathing to grow painful. I have never known such pain before.

There are only negative aspects to being in a relationship.

Such thoughts are not untrue.

If I hadn't felt her warmth.

If I hadn't known the affection of her smile...

I would've been able to live without knowing this pain.

But then...

I would've never known the happiness of loving someone.

I guess I have no other choice but to endure this pain.

Kisaragi "I know my timing is off...But it's a refreshing sight to see you crying, Masaya."

Masaya "Drive quickly. I know I told you to drive safely, but I don't want to be here anymore!"

In response, I hear the sound of the engine.

I will accept the breakup.

Before that, though, there's something I must do.

Even as the tears flow, my thoughts are to the future.

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