Thoughts & Reviews [Part 1]

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1. My Sweet Proposal: 10/10

In the original game "My Sweet Proposal", there was ticketing system and bride ranking system. I have played the game for two years. Throughout it, I have played Masaya Todo's route thrice, then Mitsui Keita, Sakura Ryoichi, Eichi Seo, Uchida Yuki, the boss, and the idol each of them once.

a) Masaya Todo, Eichi Seo: 10/10

- Both stories are so heartbreaking. I remembered playing Masaya Todo's route and cried twice in one timeline. It was my first time playing the game. Was it in 2013? I don't remember. 

The first cry was in Chapter 5, the second one was because of Chapter 8. On my fifth time playing this same route in 2021, I cried again in Chapter 8... That one was so heartbreaking. I'm weak. LOL

- As for Eichi Seo, I don't remember why I cried. I think it was because there were some tragic stories behind each paintings... Hands down, Eichi Seo is the second best story after Masaya's. 

- I enjoy Masaya's route the most. I'll tell you why in below sections...

b) Sakura Ryoichi, Uchida Yuki: 6/10

- They were too nice. The kind of man that you'll friendzone them. Please don't kill me LOL.

c) Mitsui Keita: 4/10

- The story revolves around misunderstanding. Things can be solved in just one chapter if MC just speak up about it. ^^/ I can't stand MC that always holding everything in. Just speak, babe.

- I also don't really like how his sister was playing out in the story. If I have my own love story, I wouldn't want anyone to interfere. I want to settle it between us. 

- Probably not Keita's fault, I just can't stand the MC. The reason I liked Masaya's route was because I, myself, have similar thinking to the character in game. But in Keita's route, the MC isn't like me. I can't act as one. This same reason can be said to below routes as well.

d) The boss, The idol: 3/10

- Too forgettable, I don't even remember their name. Their characteristics were also so-so. To be honest, I want to punch the idol a lot while I played his route. He gets on my nerve most of the time.

 2. Honey Magazine: 10/10

- You need 15 tickets to read 1 chapter in "My Sweet Proposal" but 3 tickets to read 1 chapter in this one. I think I like Honey Magazine better in term of story-wise. They flesh out MC's development and the dialogues/dynamic between them are good.

- However, in "My Sweet Proposal", there was a bride ranking system that ranks the player as the bride. You need to collect points and items. 

Honey Magazine is nice 10/10 if you only want to read the story. But I kind of misses the bride ranking because there, I managed to make new friends. We can go to the bride's profile and message them on board. Sometimes, I asked for spoilers on certain character's limited event because I do not want to spend money carelessly.

I enjoyed socializing in "My Sweet Proposal" so I give it 10/10 too. Different app with different UI and UX designs :) 

I stayed in "My Sweet Proposal" around two years? It took me around 3 months to finish 1 character's route. And I realize that OKKO kept on recycling the same 'limited event' to the point it loses the meaning of 'limited' anymore. The friends I made online while playing the game also grew bored and left. After I have finished all the routes and with small memories, I too left the community and uninstalled the game.

I came back at 11th July 2021 because I feel like reading again my favorite story. Even after leaving the game for more than five years (?), I still remember him. I want to typed it and saved it in my collections. So, I can read it again without have to play the game!

My hands are cramp because I continuously typed the chapters in three days LOL. 

It took me 3-4 hours to type 1 chapter, and 20-30 minutes to type 1 extra chapters... And this is with my fastest typing speed. 

I bought 15 tickets but now I can't do anything with the tickets as I have hurt my hands. Sigh... I want to complete the ending by this or next week.

*I spent around 50 dollars on this :') Writing this game is going to be worth it, as I can read it again later :))

Honey Magazine/My Sweet Proposal: Todo MasayaWhere stories live. Discover now