Proposal's End [FINALE]

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Masaya "Kana, don't go!"

If I turn around here and leap into Masaya's arms, I am sure this love story will have a happy ending.

(I have to tell him... My honest feelings.)

I breathe deeply and turn around.

Masaya stares at me with a desperate look on his face.

What I feel in this moment is, without a doubt, love.

Kana "I cannot be with you."

Masaya "Why?!"

Kana "I'm not good enough for you right now...!"

Masaya "...?!"

Kana "Not until I stop being so half measured and can stand on my own while pursuing my dream."

I stare at Masaya directly.

His sincere eyes suddenly soften as if realizing something.

Masaya "I would do anything to get you back. That is what I kept telling myself. But I dislike a woman who thinks that someone else can make her happy."

Kana "Hehe... I guess that hasn't changed at all."

Masaya "My basic thinking hasn't changed. That's why I don't think yours has to either. When you can stand alone, that's when we can stand together. I believe that. That's why I'll accept your farewell for now."

Kana "Thank you..."

Masaya "Don't cry."

His sharp word makes me hold back the tears that are on the verge of spilling.

Seeing this, Masaya smiles thinly.

Masaya "I'll tell you now, I won't wait."

Kana "I know."

Masaya "That's why, you wait."

Kana "Huh...?"

Masaya "I'll grow many times over and then I'll go to see you again, Kana."

Kana "But that defeats the purpose."

Masaya "Even if we walk together, I want to be someone who protects you. That's what it means to be a man."

Kana "I don't really understand the way men think."

Masaya laughs out loud and holds his hand out to me.

I also hold my hand out and we shake hands.

However, the next moment...

Masaya "You can't seem to read what's going to happen next."

Kana "What's going to happen?"

Masaya "Do you think I'll let you go so easily?"

Masaya hands suddenly grows firm, and he pulls my arm.

Kana "...!"

Without a moment of hesitation, kisses filled with emotions pour down on me.

Kana "I've decided...Please don't make me waver."

Masaya "If this much is going to make you waver, then you've still got a long way to go."

Kana "Hehe, you're right."

Masaya "Don't forget. This kiss, my feelings...You better not forget, alright?"

Instead of saying anything, I gently hold Masaya and give him a quick kiss.

Honey Magazine/My Sweet Proposal: Todo MasayaWhere stories live. Discover now