Chapter 10

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Kana "Well then, I'm off now."

Hayato "Ah, I'm leaving as well. If you want, would you like a ride?"

Along with the dissolution of my engagement, I have also lost a place to call home.

I cannot stay at my aunts forever, so, until I can find a new place, I'm freeloading at Yuko and Hayato's house.

(I'm really grateful to them. They certainly didn't have to go all out for me...I have to remember to repay them for their generosity when I'm back on my feet!)

I look at them with a warm smile, happy that they're here for me like this.

Hayato "Today, I'm going directly to meet my client and I'll pass nearby your company on the way."

Kana "Really? Thank you."

Yuko "In that case, Hayato. Why don't you drive the care to the apartment?"

Kana "It's fine, I'll walk to the parking lot..."

Yuko "No, it's completely fine!"

Hayato "Alright. Wait in front of the apartment."

Kana "Sorry. I'll be there right away."

Hayato gives me a smile.

In response to Yuko's severe gaze, Hayato shrugs his shoulders and leaves the living room.

Kana "You're busy as usual."

Yuko "Are you alright...?"

Kana "Huh?"

Yuko "Are you alright, sis?"

Kana "What's the matter all of sudden? Do I not look okay?"

Yuko "Rather, it looks like you are purposely trying not to show it. That's why I'm worried. About Todo and the house, you're not feeling responsible, are you?"

Kana "Did mom say something to you?"

Yuko "I'm just worrying on my own."

Kana "I'm fine, okay? More importantly, I'm sorry I'm bothering you newlyweds like this."

Yuko "No problem! We're sisters—it's the least I can do."

Several people have gently used the words 'Are you alright?'

Each time, I answer with a smile, 'I'm alright.'

Yes, I'm alright...

After all, I have to be alright.


Kana "Mizuki, I'm going to Sakura's shop today."

Mizuki "For the bridal fair meeting?"

Kana "The sample dresses, we need to narrow down the candidates."

Mizuki "See you later."

Regardless of how down I feel, I don't want it to affect my work.

Having chose to put my dream first, I must hold onto that pride.

Kana "Mizuki, are you going to a meeting?"

Mizuki "Yes. Oh, it may be someone you know, Kana. Do you know someone who is called Koki Todo?"

The moment I hear the name, I feel shivers down my back.

(Bleh, I wish I didn't! No matter how much time passes, I still wish I could wipe him from my memory...But unfortunately, he'll forever occupy some space in my subconscious. And no amount of wishing will change that...)

Honey Magazine/My Sweet Proposal: Todo MasayaWhere stories live. Discover now