02. Church bells²

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[Season 2-episode 1]what lies ahead

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[Season 2-episode 1]
what lies ahead.

[Season 2-episode 1]what lies ahead

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Rick's voice echoed through the group and the morning air. The survivors were gathered around their supplies car, a leather fold was laying atop the dusted hood, all kinds of knifes and small pickaxes were tightly secured. Following Carol's wishes, they were preparing themselves to go into the woods and find her little girl alive and everyone was going, even Carl.

Melissa took a step forward, pulling away from Andrea's bitter figure, she'd been complaining ever since hers and Melissa's guns had been taken away by their mutual sort of dad, Dale. He said he wasn't comfortable with them having guns of their own, if Andrea didn't have her gun, then Melissa wouldn't either. And even though the Grimes blonde fought a little she ended up giving the weapon away.

She understood that the only ones actually qualified to use a gun were Rick, Shane and Daryl, and what was the point in arguing with them? Each had their own reason. And Rick had made up his mind. Guns weren't her top option anyway, too much noise.

Her eyes ran over the long folder of knives, she wanted one that had a medium size, perfect for herself. Not too big or too small like the one she carried. A long bowie caught her eye, she curled her left hand around the handle and picked it up. She examined it as she walked backwards to her old position , the handle was a dark brown with gold lines, perfect for the size of her hand.

𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐒, the walking dead (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now